
8 Animation Feature Projects for the Eurimages Co-Development Production Award


The Council of Europe’s Eurimages Fund & Cartoon have joined forces in order to award the Eurimages Co-production Development Award. A cash-prize of €20,000, this award has been created to promote the Fund’s role in encouraging international co-production from the initial stages of a project.

8 animation feature projects in development are eligible for the award, to be presented during the 2022 CARTOON Movie event (8-10 March 2022, Bordeaux).

Nominees for the Eurimages Co-production Development Award

At the Ark at 8, dir. Kim Hagen
Produced by Zooper Film (Germany) - Co-produced by Now Films (Germany), Parka Pictures (Denmark) & Hydralab (Denmark)

Based on the suc­cess­ful nov­el by Ulrich Hub, At the Ark at Eight” is an updat­ed ver­sion of the sto­ry of Noah’s Ark. At the Ark at 8” is nar­rat­ed from the per­spec­tive of three pen­guins break­ing the only-two-of-each-species-rule by secret­ly embark­ing the Ark as three­some, explor­ing with humor and insight ancient and con­tem­po­rary ques­tions raised by the bib­li­cal myth.

Born Happy, dir. Edmunds Jansons
Produced by Atom Art (Latvia) - Co-produced by Letko (Poland) & Pikkukala (Finland)

Dur­ing the school sum­mer break, the 9‑year-old Ilze joins her fam­i­ly in the rain­for­est where they live togeth­er with the Pemon tribe close to the Devil’s moun­tain. When after an acci­dent Mom needs to fly Dad to a hos­pi­tal, Ilze vol­un­teers to look after her 3‑year-old broth­er Alex. How­ev­er, instead of pay­ing atten­tion to her broth­er, Ilze’s nose is stuffed in a book. When final­ly Ilze looks up, she dis­cov­ers that Alex has dis­ap­peared. 

Flow, dir. Gints Zilbalodis
Produced by Dream Well (Latvia) - Co-produced by Sacrebleu Productions (France) & CINÉ-LITTÉ Productions (Germany)

After a ter­ri­ble flood wreaks hav­oc on the world, a stubborn­ly, inde­pen­dent cat is forced to share a small boat with a group of oth­er ani­mals. Get­ting along with them turns out to be an even greater chal­lenge for him than sur­viv­ing the flood.

Living Large
Produced by Barletta (Czech Republic) - Co-produced by Novanima Productions (France) & NOVINSKI (Slovakia)

It is the begin­ning of the school year. At 13-years-old, Ben dis­cov­ers the effects of puber­ty on his class­mates who have changed a lot. Espe­cial­ly Claire, who is now real­ly pret­ty. Ben would like her to notice him, but he is hung up by his weight and even the school nurse wor­ries about him

Melvile, dir. Romain Renard, Fursy Teyssier
Produced by Need Productions (Belgium) - Co-produced by Creative Touch Studios (France) & Special Touch Studios (France)

After more than twen­ty-five years of absence, Paul Rivest returns to Melvile. He knows this lit­tle town pret­ty well, hav­ing spent all his sum­mer vaca­tions there as a child with his grand­moth­er. Feel­ing respon­si­ble for the death of his first love and his best friend in a fire that destroyed the region the sum­mer of his fif­teenth birth­day, his return to Melvile forces him to stir up the past

Starseed, dir. Anca Damian
Produced by Special Touch Studios (France) - Co-produced by Aparte Film (Romania)

Love­ness, a lit­tle albi­no girl, tries to sur­vive in a poor neigh­bor­hood in Zim­bab­we iron­i­cal­ly named Los Ange­les. One day she has a strange encounter in the King Black for­est. Dan­ger is near, she risks her life if she stays on earth

Trip to Teulada, dir. Nico­la Contini, Pas­cal Chevé, Flo­rent Mounier
Produced by Isla Productions (France) - Co-produced by 2d3D Animations (France) & Mommotty (Italy)

Assun­ta, an elder­ly woman, col­laps­es from exhaus­tion. She is res­cued by her neigh­bour Fati­ma, a Syr­i­an teenag­er. When the old woman regains con­scious­ness, she makes a strange dis­cov­ery: her apart­ment is now invad­ed by the peo­ple who lived in her child­hood vil­lage in Sar­dinia.

Young Vincent, dir. Jean van de Velde
Produced by Submarine (Netherlands) - Co-produced by Tchack (France)

The young Vin­cent has trou­ble fol­low­ing the rules and prefers wan­der­ing around through nature, alone or with his broth­er Theo. But all his par­ents see is a prob­lem­at­ic and dis­obe­di­ent child. So, even­tu­al­ly they send him away to board­ing school. Lone­ly and far away from home, he finds solace in the world of his own imag­i­na­tion, and he writes long, illus­trat­ed let­ters to Theo.

Results will be announced during CARTOON Movie, 8-10 March 2022 (Bordeaux).

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