My Juke-Box by Florentine Grelier

Florentine Grelier presents her animation short My Juke-Box at Zippy Frames.

DONT KNOW WHAT by Thomas Renoldner

Thomas Renoldner presents and talks about his widely acclaimed experimental animation short DONT KNOW WHAT.

It Starts With by Laura Nasir-Tamara

Laura Nasir Tamara presents her animation short It Starts With.

Madder Isle by Laura Spark

Find the ecological horror Madder Isle by UK artist Laura Spark.

My Father's Room by Nari Yang

A story of abuse in 2D animation in My Father's Room by Nari Yang.

Riviera by Jonas Schloesing

Jonas Schloesing animates the 2D animation short Riviera, produced by Ikki Films. The director talks to Zippy Frames.

Misplaced Memories by Ivana Radić: God Delusions and Slavic Morality

Amanda Barbour interviews Ivana Radic on her stop-motion animation short Misplaced Memories (Zagubljena sjećanja).

Egg by Martina Scarpelli

Here's Egg animation short by Martina Scarpelli.

The Octopus by Tim Platt and Birgit Rathsmann

US directors Tim Platt and Birigt Rathsmann made the experimental 2D short Octopus. Watch the film and see how it was made.

Mémorable by Bruno Collet

The making of and our film review for the French animation short Mémorable by Bruno Collet.

Hors Piste by Leo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert & Oscar Malet

Two dumb characters try to save a wounded person -and the world with him. Watch and learn about Hors Piste animated short.

Carlotta's Face by Valentin Riedl and Frédéric Schuld

The acclaimed (and Oscar-qualified) animation documentary short Carlotta's Face premieres online. Watch the film and read our interview with directors Valentin Riedl and Frédéric Schuld.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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