
The Burden animation still

Our review for the Swedish animation short 'The Burden' by Niki Lindroth von Bahr.

Biennial of Animation Bratislava team still and graphic

The Slovakian Biennial of Animation Bratislava had to rearrange its edition after the dismissal of its festival director. We talk with the former programming team members of the event.

Bong Joon Ho Korean director

The latest details on Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho's first animation feature.

Patlabor 2: The Movie still

Giovanni Maria Seregni writes about the 1993 Japanese film 'Patlabor 2: The Movie'.

The Great Rabbit animation by Atsushi Wada still

It is one of the animation classics of the 21st century. Here's the animation short 'The Great Rabbit' by Atsushi Wada.

Mom, what's up with the dog animation still

Sexual awakening and coming-of-age are now accompanied by a dog. Here's our review of the animation short 'Mom, What’s Up With the Dog; by Lola Lefèvre.

Felina by Maria Lorenzo

A new animation short from Spain about a woman panther. María Lorenzo talks to Zippy Frames about 'Felina'.

Spooky Loops still animation from Ukraine

Ukrainian animation filmmaker Stas Santimov animates loops and presents 'Spooky Loops'. Here's the film to watch at Zippy Frames.

Canard animation still (Elle Chapuis)

Vassilis Kroustallis showcases the best Belgian animation shorts presented at this year's Anima Festival (Brussels).

Martina Mestrovic, Her Dress for the Final animation still

Olga Bobrowska talks to Croatian animation director  Martina Meštrović on her latest acclaimed animation short, 'Her Dress for the Final'.

Bye Little Block! by Éva Darabos

 Gentrification gets a gravity-free treatment in the 2D animation short Bye Little Block! by Éva Darabos. Watch the Hungarian film.

'Flower Show' animation still cover

Olivia Popp interviews Finnish animation director and artist Elli Vuorinen on her new animation short 'Flower Show', premiering at IFFR (Rotterdam Film Festival).

Skinned (Écorchée) animation short still by Joachim Hérissé

We review the French stop-motion animation film Skinned (Écorchée) by Joachim Hérissé.

Naomi van Niekerk still from Animateka Festival 2023

Oleksandra Kalinichenko reports from animation artist Naomi van Niekerk and her masterclass at Animateka Festival 2023.

Pina animation still

A Belgian animation film on the list of Oscar-qualifying animation shorts of 2023. Discover 'Pina' by  Jérémy Depuydt and Giuseppe Accardo.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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