
Animafest, Zagreb: full programme online

 animafest-Atsushi WadaWith more than 400 films overall, Animafest boasts, apart from its Grand competition, a  tribute programme to the festival itself,  screening all the previous Grand Prix festival winners.

The Grand Competition includes films by the Quay Brothers (Maska), Juan Pablo Zaramella (Luminaris), Atsushi Wada (The Great Rabbit), and Oh, Willy! (Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels)

A retrospective of the 84-year-old Yoji Kuri, the Japanese father of independent animation, has also been scheduled. 

Programmes of European animation schools, including Turku Arts Academy from Finland, Zagreb's Academy of Fine Art and German Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg accompany  the main programme.

Programme novelties include Strange Fruits (films of twisted humour) and 3x3 (mini-retrospectives of three Grand Competition filmmakers). A record number of 22 Croatian films will be screened during the festival.

 Visit the official Animafest page

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