
Small People with Hats wins at 2014 Primanima

The 3rd edition of Primanima World Festival of first Animations, a rapidly developing Hungarian animation event took place between 28 October and 1st of November. Small People with Hats by Sarina Nihei, a recent graduate of Royal College of Art won the festival Grand Prix.


The Audience Award was given to Sarah Saidan's début film Beach Flags made with Folimage and Sacrableu Productions.

Annecy Grand Prix Winner Man on the Chair  (Dahee Jong) was awarded the best Début Film Prize.

At Primanima this year the George Pal Prize for the most promising Hungarian talent went to Réka Bucsi, director of Symphony No. 42. Bucsi's graduate film from MOME Anim Budapest also collected the prize of Best Graduation Film.

Another student film from MOME Anim Budapest was given the Macskássy Gyula Prize for the most popular Hungarian animation.

Gábor Mariai's provocative Rascal Redemption was made in 4 days at a workshop tutored by the French animation director, Serge Elisade.

Mariai's other student film, Villiams won Best Workshop Film Prize.

The children film competition was won by Mythopolis, the Czech Alexandra Hetmerová's graduation film from FAMU Prague.

This year Primanima received more than 400 titles, from which 34 début films, 37 graduation titles and 23 student workshop films as well as 22 films for children were presented in the international competition programme of Primanima 2014.

Review all winners:


Grand Prix
Sarina NIHEI: Small People with Hats (UK)

George Pal Prize for the most promising Hungarian talent in animation
BUCSI Réka (Symphony No. 42)

Best Début film
Dahee JEONG: Man on the Chair (FRA, KOR)

Best Graduation Film
BUCSI Réka: Symphony No. 42 (HUN)

Best Workshop Film
MARIAI Gábor: Villiams

Kaspar Jancis's special mention
Xaver Xilophon: Roadtrip (GER)

Aneta Ozorek's special mention
Morgane Le Pechon: Sunstroke (FRA)

Yiorgos Tsangaris's special mention
DUCKI Tomek: Baths (POL)

PrimaSound: Best Sound Design
Tomasz POPAKUL (director) and Michal FOJCIK (sound designer): Ziegenort (POL)

The Student Jury's Favourite Short Film
Ana NEDELJKOVIC, Nikola MAJDAK: Rabbitland (SRB)



Gyula Macskássy Prize for the most popular Hungarian animation
MARIAI Gábor: Rascal Redemption (HUN)

Short Film Audience Award
Sarah SAIDAN: Beach Flag (FRA)

The Children Jury's Award
Alexandra Hetmeorvá: Mythopolis (CZE)

small people with hats500

Small People with Hats


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