Substance by Utrecht School of Arts Students

Dramatic and otherwordly: Substance by Utrecht School of the Arts students.

Jolie Bobine by N. Deruy, S. Simao, S. Riviere, & S. Burnet

The horror of being a doll. Watch the inventive Jolie Bobine (kids, be warned).

Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop by Caleb Wood

Caleb Wood presents the mesmerizing experimental short Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop.

Goodbye Mister De Vries by Mascha Halberstad

Nostalgia amongst the snow. Watch Goodbye Mister De Vries by Mascha Halberstad.

Taurobolium by Galen Pehrson

A psychedelic trip attached to the music video of Devendra Banhart, and animated by Galen Pehrson. Watch Taurobolium.

Wind by Robert Loebel

Sometimes extraordinary weather conditions are not an impediment after all. Watch Wind by Robert Loebel.

Tuurngait by Supinfocom Arles Students

Drama and family adventure in the Arctic. Watch the sophisticated adventure Tuurngait by Supinfocom Arles students, France.

Class of Death by Pavel Soukup

Not your ordinary class. The ominous universe of Class of Death by Pavel Soukup. Watch the film.

Somewhere by Nicolas Ménard

Nicolas Ménard becomes lyrical in space. Watch the beautiful Somewhere.

Marking the Distance by The Rauch Brothers

NY short on memory loss. Watch the arresting doc, Marking the Distance by the Rauch Brothers.

When I'm Scared by Fernanda Frick

The sunny side of waiting for a job interview. Watch When I'm Scared by Fernanda Frick.

Marshal Dear- Savages by Gergely Wootsch

Gergely Wootsch animates brilliantly a dark war video. Watch Marshal Dear by Savages band.


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