Garden Party by Illogic

6 students from MOPA school campaign for an Oscar with a bunch of frogs. Watch (limited time only) Garden Party.

World of Feedback: Chapter I by Dadomani Studio

A welcome change of pace from Dadomani studio. Watch the stop-motion short World of Feedback: Chapter I.

Marie Paccou Flipbooks, Kim Noce Instagrams

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Two distinct, but highly creative projects from the independent world of animation in social mediajd: The Flipbooks of Marie Paccou and Kim Noce's Your Mothers Are Mind Instagram project.

Three Fitted Flies by Elisa Morais and María Álvarez

One of the best things of being pressed with time is that you have to rely on intuition a lot. Watch and read about the awarded film Three fitted flies by Elisa Morais and María Álvarez.

Divisional Articulations by Max Hattler

Watch the latest work by experimental artist Max Hattler.

Head by Stav Levi

What is it to separate oneself from your head? Watch Head by Israeli animator Stav Levi.

Edith Piaf Said it Better Than Me by Joseph Wallace

Watch the Sparks puppet music video from UK animation director Joseph Wallace.

Hedgehog's Home /I Love Creating Worlds: Interview with Eva Cvijanović

A very daring hedgehog is waiting for your attention. Interview with Eva Cvijanović, director of the awarded stop-motion short, Hedgehog's Home.

Daewit by David Jansen

A deeply felt film about one's own family and settling accounts with the past. Watch David Jansen's Daewit.

Afternoon Class by Seoro Oh

Can't stay awake during class? Watch the animation short Afternoon Class by Seoro Oh.

The Lighthouse by Simon Scheiber

It's nice to be inventive. Watch The Lighthouse by Simon Scheiber.

When François Truffaut Reviewed Blinkity Blank

The famous French nouvelle vague director had a few things to say about Norman McLaren's masterpiece.

News from the independent animation production world

Calls addressed to animation project at the stage of development

Awards and prizes to European and independent animation films.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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