Swiss Animation Portraits 2021

A series of interviews and portraits with both acclaimed and emerging independent Swiss animation filmmakers. Conducted May - June 2021.

Producer and Nadasdy Film studio administrator Nicolas Burlet talks to Zippy Frames, in our series of Swiss Animation Portraits 2021. 

Prominent Swiss animation artist Georges Schwizgebel talks about his new film, Darwin's Notebook, in our series of Swiss Animation Portraits 2021.

Swiss animation director Marcel Barelli talks to Zippy Frames on his latest animation short, Dans la nature, on nature and homophobia, to premiere at Annecy Festival 2021 -in our series of Swiss Animation Portraits 2021. 

We talked with Swiss animation director Nina Winiger and her animation short film in our new series of Swiss Animation Portraits 2021. The film screens at Animafest Zagreb 2021.

We talked with Swiss animation director Samuel Patthey in our new series of Swiss Animation Portraits 2021.


Zippy Frames is the premier online animation journal promoting European and Independent Animation animation since 2011

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Zippy Frames

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