Awards & Prizes

57 short animated films for an Oscar

 Michael Sporn first made this list public. It is a list of every short film that has been qualified for an Academy Award. 

Nominees include the Annecy-Awarded Tram by the Czech animator Michaela Pavlatova, the Hiroshima-awarded Russian film I Saw Mice Burying a Cat (Dmitry Geller), and the UK Encounters Festival winner Oh, Willy (Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels).

 The Oscar-awarded US animator Don Hertzfeldt (Rejected) also qualifies with his new film It's A Beautiful Day. The UK stop-motion film of a couple upside-down, Head Over Heels (Tim Reckart) figures on the list, as well as Joseph Pierce's decadence story, The Pub (UK) [info & trailer].

 The Portuguese Regina Pessoa qualifies with her new short, Kali, the little vampire [info] and the Canadian Franck Dion features with his Edmond Was A Donkey.

The British Animation awarded The Eagleman Stag (Mikey Please) will compete for an Academy Award, as well as the French art story Dripped (Leo Verrier) [info-trailer] and the US independent film, Wolf Dog Tales [info & trailer].

 The Slovakian stop-motion film The Last Bus, which won at the 2012 Stuttgart International Animation Festival is among the 57 shorts, and the Estonian Body Memory (Ülo Pikkov) is another European entry.

There is also a Simpsons short film: Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare".

Academy Award nominations will be announced on January, 10.

Read the full list of qualifying films:

1. Dell' Ammazzare Il Maiale - 6mins

2. Here and the Great Elsewhere 14mins

3. Amazonia 5mins

4. Being Bradford Dillman 10 mins

5. Belly 7 mins

6. Body Memory (Keha Ma'I LI) 10 mins

7. Cadaver 7 mins

8. Combustible 13 mins

9. Dripped 8 mins

10. The Eagleman Stag 9 mins

11. The Fall of the House of Usher 17 mins

12. Fear of Flying 9 mins

13. Fresh Guacamole 2 mins

14. The Game 5 mins

15. The Gruffalo's Child 26 mins

16. Head Over Heels 10 mins

17. House of Monsters 7 mins

18. I Hate You Red Light 8 mins

19. I Saw Mice Burying a Cat 6 mins

20. Junkyard 18 mins

21. Kubla Khan 4 mins

22. La Detente 9 mins

23. Lost and Found 4 mins

24. The Making of Longbird 15 mins

25. The Missing Key 30 mins

26. Oh Willy... 17 mins

27. Pepe & Lucas 7 mins

28. The Pub 8 mins

29. Reflexion 4 mins

30. Slow Derek 8 mins

31. The Story of Pines 16 mins

32. Tram 7 mins

33. The Wind Girl (La Nina de Viento) 14 mins

34. Wolf Dog Tales 7 mins

35. Zeinek Gehiago Iraun 12 mins 

36. 7596 Frames 5 mins

37. The Hybrid U-nion 5 mins

38. The Maker 6 mins

39. Paperman 7 mins

40. Adam and Dog 16 mins

41. Chase 13 mins

42. Kara 7 mins

43. Pasteurized 8 mins

44. Sammy 10 mins

45. Shift 5 mins

46. The Tale of a String  8 mins

47. Wiggle Room 8 mins

48. It's Such a Beautiful Day 23 mins

49. Overcast 9 mins

50. Traces 7 mins

51. Bydlo 9 mins

52. Kali the Little Vampire 9 mins

53. The Last Bus (Posledny Autobus) 15 mins

55. Edmond Was a Donkey 15 mins

56. Daffy's Rhapsody 4 mins

57. Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare" 5 mins

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