
Allo...Chloé ? by Reza Riahi

Allo...Chloé ? by Reza Riahi

 A small girl gets a phone call from her parents' friend. He keeps asking her about her parents to come on the phone, but Chloé has external difficulties.

This 2D animation short makes it the case that the less details one uses (even if they are silhouettes running in the dark), the better for a film's dramatic economy.

Allo...Chloé ? works precisely because it confines itself to the bare essentials: a situation that invites discreetness and a person that cannot really understand what's going on.

 This was Iranian Reza Riahi's short film for Canal-J of France on the subject of stupidity. The Iranian-born director studies animation at the French school of animation La PoudrièreAllo...Chloé ? won the Jury Prize at the 2014 Annecy festival  in the  animation hopes of 2014 contest (Les espoirs de l'animation 2014). Music by Serge Besset.



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