Project Market Amman 17-22 July 2020

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
17/07/2020 - 22/07/2020
Amman, Jordan
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Coronavirus update: 

For precautionary reasons due to the coronavirus pandemic and for the protection of everyone involved, the Film Prize of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and The Royal Film Commission Jordan - RFC have decided to postpone the Project Market Amman, which is now expected to take place from 17 to 22 July 2020.

The new date entails NEW DEADLINES:
Deadline for project submissions by Arab directors: 3 May 2020;
Deadline for registration by German producers: 6 May 2020;
Date of notification of the selected participants: 27 May 2020

We are continuously monitoring the latest information provided by scientists and politicians on the spread of the coronavirus and will always follow the up-to-date recommendations and guidelines.

Please take care of yourself and the people around you and stay safe and healthy in the weeks to come!

2020 Call for Entries

The Film Prize of the Robert Bosch Stiftung for international cooperation Germany/Arab World is coming to an end. For the last time, the Robert Bosch Stiftung issues two Film Prizes to teams of emerging German and Arab filmmakers to realize a joint film project. The prizes, each worth 60,000 euros, are awarded to short films (fiction, animation, documentary) or feature length documentaries at the award ceremony held in Berlin in February 2021. The call for the Film Prize will run from mid May to late August 2020. 

To facilitate the team-finding process, up to eighteen Arab directors will be invited to meet with up to twelve German producers at the Project Market Amman, held in cooperation with the Royal Film Commission – Jordan. The Robert Bosch Stiftung will cover the costs for travel, accommodation and catering.

To apply for the Project Market Amman, filmmakers must register here at the Online Project Market and fill in and upload all requested data.

Eligible for the application are directors, who are resident in one member state of the Arab League, and producers with a residency in Germany. Both should be in the beginning of their cinematographic career.

Arab directors must submit as project description a PDF file of a maximum of two to three pages including a logline, synopsis, director’s note, and provide a link to their recent film. A script or treatment should be available on request. Deadline for submission will be May 3, 2020 (we accept entries until midnight CET). 

German producers fill out the profile, only. Deadline for registration here is May 6, 2020 (until midnight CET).

The communication language of the Film Prize of the Robert Bosch Stiftung is English. Applicants must be able to communicate fluently in English. All entries to this platform must be in English.

Date of notification, if you are selected, is May 27, 2020

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Register at the Online Project Market

Event Dates

  • From 17/07/2020 to 22/07/2020

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