7 Animation Features for Animafest Zagreb 2022

Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos
Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos

As Animafest Zagreb organizers state, this year's Grand Competition - Feature Film will bring a selection of layered and imaginative works of art with unforgettable stories and technical diversity. 7 animation features, from Poland to Japan (out of 40 animation features submitted)  will hit the big screen at the Croatian animation festival on 6-11 June 2022.


1970, Tomasz Wolski (Kijora Film / Poland / 2021)
1970. Striking workers in communist Poland demonstrate against price increases. In the dignitaries’ offices, tension and violent repression grow as the revolt intensifies. Using stop motion animation to bring the telephone recordings to life, Tomasz Wolski composes a highly precise and prodigious film.

Belle, Mamoru Hosoda (Studio Chizu / Japan / 2021)
A high school student becomes a globally beloved singer after entering a fantastic virtual world. She soon embarks on an emotional and epic quest to uncover the identity of a mysterious beast who's on the run from ruthless vigilantes.

Dozens of Norths, Koji Yamamura (Yamamura Animation; Miyu Productions / Japan, France /2021)
North is everywhere solitary. / Here is all North. / This is a record of the people I met in the North. / However, my memory is fragmented and does not get the point at all. / Now I’m starting to wonder my efforts came to nothing. / I’m just getting the occasional recognition of the existence of the world through the dull perception changes shape little by little.

My Sunny Maad, Michaela Pavlátová (Negativ, Sacrebleu Productions, BFILM / Czech Republic,France, Slovakia / 2021)
When Herra, a Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan man, she has no idea about the life that awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor about the family she is about to join.

The Crossing, Florence Miailhe (Les Films de l'Arlequin; Balance Film; Maur Film; Xbo Films;ARTE France Cinéma / France, Germany, Czech Republic / 2021)
A small village looted in darkness, a family forced to flee... The two oldest children, Kyona and Adriel are quickly separated from their parents facing the road of exile alone. They embark on a heroic journey which takes them from childhood to adolescence in search of shelter, peace and the hope of finding refuge and their family. Crossing a continent torn apart by war and migrant persecution, these courageous siblings survive incredible challenges, before reaching a new world, free at last.

The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos (independent / Greece / 2021)
A Stephen King television movie is compressed and transformed through hypnotic black and white collage animation that meticulously reconstructs and reshapes its supernatural drama to an eerie and profound effect.

Yaya e Lennie – The Walking Liberty, Alessandro Rak (Mad Entertainment; Rai Cinema / Italy /2022)
A tale partly inspired by the optimistic spirit reflected in the eponymous silver half dollar issued by the Unites States Mint from 1916 to 1947.

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