Etiuda & Anima 2022: Awards

Etiuda & Anima 2022 Winners

While the Estonian Priit Tender was the big winner with his alienation-themed stop-motion film 'Dog Apartment', a lot of other films won multiple prizes in the 29th (onsite) Etiuda & Anima Festival in Krakow, Poland.

'Slow Light' time study by Katarzyna Kijek and Przemysław Adamski, and the animation doc 'Once There Was A Sea' by Joanna Kożuch won both juried, non-juried and audience awards at the festival.

All animation winners:

Anima Competition Prizes
Jury: Joanna Quin (Chairman), Atsushi Wada, Katarzyna Agopsowicz

Grand Prix Golden Jabberwocky and cash prize
 DOG APARTMENT, dir. Priit Tender, Estonia 2022

Justification: “A long-suffering man struggles with the difficulties of living in a surreal world. Incredibly slick animation and great character study."

Silver Jabberwocks
SLOW LIGHT, dir. Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski, Poland, Portugal 2022

Justification: “A wonderfully constructed film that plays with the notions of memory and time. A complex narrative delivered in a remarkably efficient manner.

Brown Jabberwocky
THE DEBUTANTE, dir. Elizabeth Hobbs, UK 2022

Justification: “Joyful and energetic brushstrokes match the surreal nonsense of the story. A movie full of life and humor."

Special Golden Jabberwocky and cash prize for the best animated student film:
IN HIS MERCY dir. Christoph Büttner, Germany 2021

Justification: "An intense and powerful film with stunning visuals, full of passion and emotion."

A special mention by Joanna Quinn was awarded to
BEAR HUG, dir. Margrethe Danielsen, France, Norway 2021

Justification: “This seemingly sweet and sensitive film becomes suddenly and quite unpredictably shocking – just like life itself. Beautiful animation, full of pathos and great characters."

A special mention by Katarzyna Agopsowicz to :
STEAKHOUSE, dir. Špela Čadež, Slovenia, Germany, France 2021

Justification: “An intense, powerful film about the insidious nature of sexual abuse. The sensational, multifaceted graphic layer helps to create a chilling reality."

A special mention by Atsushi Wada to:
AU REVOIR JÉRÔME! / GOODBYE JÉRÔME! dir. Gabrielle Selnet, Adam Sillard, Chloé Farr, France 2021

Justification: “Detailed backgrounds, brilliant colors and design combined with great use of music make for a remarkable and memorable film. Excellent use of ants and hot dogs.”

Goodbye, Jérôme!

Non-Juried Awards

 Award of the Artistic Director Bogusław Zmudziński
ONCE THERE WAS A SEA / THERE WAS A SEA dir. Joanna Kożuch, Poland, Slovakia 2021

Student Jury Verdict:
Anna Kożuch, Paweł Kusyk, Daiana Horbunava

 ONCE THERE WAS A SEA, dir. Joanna Kożuch, Poland, Slovakia 2021

Justification: “The animation has been carefully crafted and its style reinforces the message of the story. The spilling and disappearing lines and colors are, in a way, like a sea that no longer exists, which still haunts the characters of the film. Animation is also, above all, still very topical in terms of politics and economy, and the problems it raises deserve more attention.

Audience Award
The audience of the 29th Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival decided to distinguish the film:

ONCE THERE WAS A SEA / THERE WAS A SEA, dir. Joanna Kożuch, Poland, Slovakia 2021

Once There Was A Sea

Anima.PL Competition (Polish Animation Films)
Jury: Mariusz Wilczyński (Chairman) Daria Kopiec, Andrea Martignoni

Brown Viper
SLOW LIGHT, dir. Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski, Poland, Portugal 2022

Justification: "For the magical presentation of a complex human personality in a very original way"

Silver Viper
HEADPRICKLES,  dir. Katarzyna Miechowicz, Poland 2022

Justification: "For an extraordinary surreal imagination and a wonderful sense of the absurd"

Golden Viper - Grand Prix
3 GENARRATIONS, dir. Paulina Ziółkowska, Poland 2021

Justification: “For a beautiful original poem captured in a female dance of generations, telling about tenderness, passion and fear "

A jury distinction was given to :
THE VISIT, dir. Mateusz Jarmulski, Poland 2021

Justification: "For a gripping film that makes you think about the colonialist in all of us"

A special Golden Viper for the best student film in the ANIMA.PL 2022 competition
THIS IS NOT A BATH, dir. Pola Wlodarczyk, Poland 2022

Justification: "For a separate introverted world of secrets and fears"

and awarded a student award:
DREAMBOOK 33, dir. Weronika Michel, Poland 2021

Justification: "For a bold interpretation of our subconscious"

Non-Juried Awards  (Polish Animation Competition)

The Great Underestimated – Award of the Artistic Director Bogusław Zmudziński
 FORTRESS dir. Slawek Zalewski, Poland 2021

Student Jury Verdict:
Sylwia Sowa, Karolina Walas, Zuzanna Osyda
DESSERT DACHSCHUND, dir. Betina Bożek, Poland 2022

Justification: "An original story with a sense of humor and meticulous technical refinement, as well as high artistic values, make this animation stand out from the rest."

Audience Award for Best Polish Animation Film
SLOW LIGHT, dir. Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski, Poland, Portugal 2022

Dreambook 33

The 29th Etiuda & Anima Festival took place 29 Nov - 4 Dec 2022 in Krakow, Poland.

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