'27', 'Sirocco', 'It's Just A Whole' In the ITFS 2024 Winners

Collage from animation stills and winners of ITFS 2024

From Czech animation master Michaela Pavlátová (who was awarded a special ASIFA prize) to the younger generations, the 31st Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (23-28 April 2024) seemed to have something for everyone; from kids films to a competition on environmental awareness (a staple of the festival) to the traditional international and student competition.

Hungarian Flóra Anna Buda once again won a top prize with her '27' work-and-sex charged film; a special mention was reserved for 'Mariupol. A Hundred Nights' by Sofiia Melnyk, a Ukrainian animation short that resonated with the sad times.

The French/Belgian  'Sirocco and the Kingdom of Winds' fantasy adventure and animation feature by  Benoît Chieux won the festival's Animovie (feature animation) award; the best student award went to a German film 'It’s just a whole' by Bianca Scali.

The festival had a very special atmosphere. Even the late-night film programmes were fully booked, and new offerings like a live-drawing challenge were a huge hit. We couldn't be happier - Annegret Richter, Artistic Director of Film- und Medienfestival gGmbH.

The Award Winners of ITFS 2024:

International Competition

Grand Prix: State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Stuttgart Grand Award for Animated Film with a cash prize of 10,000 Euro
27, Director: Flóra Anna Buda / France, Hungary 2023, 10:44 min

Jury: We were convinced by the film “27” because it reflects the reality of the current generation for whom independence is a luxury.  The film showcases outstanding visuals with a great script that perfectly merges reality and fantasy.

Special Mention:
Mariupol. A Hundred Nights, Director: Sofiia Melnyk / Ukraine 2023, 7:26 min

Jury: We would also like to give a special mention to the film “MARIUPOL“ as a statement against the brutality of the many visible and invisible wars that are being fought all over the world. Wars that blow out the light of innocent lives before they have the opportunity to shine.

Lotte Reiniger Promotion Award for Animated Film:
Award for the best graduation film with a cash prize of 10,000 Euro, sponsored by MFG Film Funding Baden-Württemberg
Dodo, Director: Yi Luo  / Germany 2023, 12:36 min

Jury: We saw a film that deals with the trauma of losing a father in a crucial stage child’s development. Executed in a very impressive art style that meticulously draws the viewer into the essence of the story.

Special Mention:
Recordari, Director: Carolina Cruz / Germany 2024, 9:31 min

Jury: “Recordari“ reenacts the brutal regime of Pinochet in Chile. Told from a personal point of view with beautiful and cinematography.

The ITFS Audience Award with a cash prize of 6,000 Euro, sponsored by SWR (regional broadcasting for southwest Germany)
Mee and Burd, Director: Greg Mcleod / United Kingdom 2023, 7:48 min

Student Competition

Award for the best student film with a cash prize of 2,500 Euro, sponsored by LFK Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg and MFG Film Funding Baden-Württemberg
It’s just a whole, Director: Bianca Scali / Germany 2023, 10:37 min

Jury: We would like to give the award to the film “It‘s just a whole“  for the brilliant way in which the artists lead us into a dramatic experience in which one negotiates one’s existence facing a sometimes cold reality, loneliness and the primal fear of disappearance. For the film’s unique animation style in which graphics, sounds, and textures are used in a way that immediately conveys emotions that are transposed into physical reactions.

Special Mention:
Oliver the Giant (Oliver, az óriás), Director: Júlia Lantos / Hungary 2023, 8:14 min

Jury: We would like to award this special mention to the film “Oliver the Giant“ by Júlia Lantos for the artistic courage of opening up the space for asking questions rather than finding answers.

Animovie (Feature Films)

Award for the best animated feature film
Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds / (Sirocco et le Royaume des Courants D’air), Director: Benoît Chieux/ France, Belgium 2022, 76 min

Jury: This film has been awarded this prize due to its exemplary use of the medium of animation in the creation of an original and poetic world, and in tackling complex themes on the eye level of children. The artwork was at a level we felt each frame would make a stand-alone painting to display. Finally, the heart, humour and originality of the story captivated us throughout.

Special Mention:
Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Kagami no kojō), Director: Keiichi Hara / Japan 2022, 116 min

Jury: “Lonely Castle in the Mirror“ gets a special mention for brave and sensitive story-telling in dealing with the important theme about overcoming loneliness through unlikely friendship.

Trickstar Nature Award

Award for the best international animated short film that deals with the topics of climate protection, biodiversity, environment and sustainability, with a cash prize of 7,500 Euro, sponsored by Verband Region Stuttgart
On the 8th Day (Au 8ème Jour), Directors: Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois / France 2023, 8:12 min

Jury: It took seven days to create the world, but it only took one to disturb its balance. The directors manage to tell the collective story of the earth in an artistic form and without any words; using yarn, felt creatures, 3D-animation and music. The effect created is beautiful and full of fantasy. The chosen concept and storytelling is clear and well-rounded.

Award for the best children’s animated film with a cash prize of 4,000 Euro, sponsored by Studio 100 Media
#doudouchallenge, Directors: Alexandra Delaunay-Fernandez, Julie Majcher, Marine Benabdallah-Crolais, Noémie Segalowicz, Scott Pardaillhe-Galabrun, Sixtine Emerat / France 2023, 6:18 min

Special Mention:
The Story of Bodri (Historien Om Bodri), Director: Stina Wirsén / Sweden 2022, 13:05 min

Tricks for Kids Audience Award:
Award for the audience’s favourite of the ITFS Children’s Film Festival with a cash prize of 1,500 Euro, sponsored by L-Bank
The Mystery of Missing Socks (Kadunud Sokid), Director: Oscar Lehemaa / Estonia 2023, 19:44 min

The Mystery of Missing Socks

Trickstar Business Award

Award for the best innovative and groundbreaking business model in the field of animation with a cash prize of 7,500 Euro, sponsored by Verband Region Stuttgart
Black Goblin, Ana Betancourt (CEO), United Kingdom

Special Mention:
Zeuniks, David Aguirre Hoffmann (Art Director & Illustrator), Germany


Since 1985 ASIFA has awarded a prize for outstanding achievements in the art of animation. The ASIFA Prize is awarded annually to an individual(s) or organization (s) who have made a significant and innovative contribution towards the promotion and preservation of the art of animation. This year the internationally recognized prize is awarded to the Czech filmmaker Michaela Pavlátová.

ITFS Award Winners 2024 (photo: Reiner Pfisterer)

 Michaela Pavlátova at ITFS (photo: Reiner Pfisterer)

31st Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) took place 23-28 April 2024.

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