Amarcort Film Festival 2024

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
03 December 2024 - 08 December 2024
Rimini, Italy
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Festival Description:

Associazione SMArt Lab, in collaboration with Associazione SMArt Academy, with the ptronage and support Regione Emilia Romagna and Comune di Rimini, promotes the 13th Edition of Amarcort Film Festival, international short movies contest which will take place in Rimini (hometown of Fellini) in November. Amarcort is part of AFIC (Associazione dei Festival Cinematografici Italiani) and FEDIC (Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub). The festival is dedicated to Fellini and is the only one in the world.


2024 Call for Entries

The festival is articulated in eleven sections:

a) “Amarcort”: dedicated to fiction short films, maximum running time is 30 min;
b) “Aldina”: dedicated to short films of all genres realized by students of cinema schools, maximum running time is 20 min;
c) “Rex”: dedicated to animation short films, maximum running time is 20 min;
d) “Gironzalon”: dedicated to experimental short films, maximum running time is 12 min;
e) “Calzinaz”: dedicated to documentaries and reportages, maximum running time is 25 min;
f) “Gradisca”: dedicated to short films of all genres, whose maximum running time is 5 min;
g) “Cantarel”: dedicated to music videos, with original music or not affected by copyright, maximum running time is 5 min;
h) “Miranda”: dedicated to animated short films for children, maximum running time is 12 min;
i) “Fulgor” (*): dedicated to short films of all genres by authors from Emilia-Romagna, maximum running time is 20 min;
j) “Titta”: dedicated to parents-children relationship, are admitted to this category short films covering the subject in question. Maximum running time is 15 min;
k) “Volpina”: dedicated to dance and movement, are admitted to this category short films that use body language to express emotions or convey a story. Maximum running time is 15 min;
(*) Authors from Emilia-Romagna, regardless of the category to which they will submit their short film, will also automatically compete to the Fulgor competition selection.



Event Dates

  • From 03 December 2024 to 08 December 2024



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