accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival 2024

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
13/11/2024 - 17/11/2024
Naples, Italy
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Festival Description: accordi @ DISACCORDI (Consonances and Dissonances) is an audience-friendly festival that focuses on quality programming of all genres of seventh art from comedy to drama, animation to documentary, and art to experimental movies. In addition to the film program, attendees can enjoy talks, Q&As, laboratories, workshops, exhibitions, seminars, and conferences; the entrance to cultural events is free of charge. We want to give a heightened sense of the experience to all who participate and attend.

accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival welcomes filmmakers, professionals, and enthusiasts from across the world, to share the art of independent short films with the local audience, to entertain and enlighten the festival attendees, to provide filmmakers the opportunity for professional networking and development, and to encourage cultural tourism and film industry development in Naples and the surrounding area in Campania.

2024 Call for Entries 

The 21st accordi @ DISACCORDI – International Short Film Festival will take place from November 11 to 17, 2024.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The theme of the exhibition is consonances and dissonances in our times.
  • The festival is open to international filmmakers over 18 years.
  • Short films have been produced after January 1, 2023.
  • The Festival is open to short films (fiction, animation, experimental, art and music videos); short movies with a maximum duration of 25 minutes (titles included), documentaries should run for no more than 35 minutes.
  • Entries must be submitted in Italian or subtitled in Italian (.srt file / burnt subtitles).
  • All artists working are welcome to submit up to three works for jury consideration.

  • International short films under 25 minutes
  • National short films  under 25 minutes
  • Short  films of fiction directed/produced by an author from Campania or shot in Campania, with a maximum duration under 25 minutes
  • Short documentaries under 35 minutes
  • Short animated, experimental or research  films under 25 minutes
  • International or Italian short films with an environmental theme under 25 minutes  The participants authorize the use of a fragment of his work up to 50 seconds or 10% full, for possible broadcast and promotion   

 The participants authorize the use of a fragment of his work up to 50 seconds or 10% full, for possible broadcast and promotion

The short films selected for the final phase of accordi @ DISACCORDI could be screened both during the next ICFF - Italian Contemporary Film Festival to be held in Canada and partner of accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival that in other event organized directly by the Association MOVIES EVENT



    Event Dates

    • From 13/11/2024 to 17/11/2024



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