Annecy Festival Residency, April - June 2021

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
Annecy, France
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Event Description:

CITIA will welcome its first 3 residents to the Papeteries – Image Factory. Along with the support from the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Haute-Savoie Department, the CNC and France Télévisions, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival will assist creation by setting up a residency for graphic development in animated feature films. With international positioning, top-of-the-range mentoring and a unique showcase on the professional world of animation, the Annecy Festival Residency offers a 3-month time capsule (5th April to 27th June 2021), focused on graphic reflection and evolution. The ideal deflection in the life of a work.

The development of the Artists’ Residency, which focuses on feature films, is an important and historic step for Annecy. Land of the Festival, Annecy will now become land of creation. This is also an additional commitment for CITIA to support works and artists that are the mainstay of our action. I would like to thank the partners who have agreed to accompany us in this wonderful project. More than ever we need to support creation and culture. It is for our common good - Mickaël Marin, CEO, CITIA


  • Pure or hybrid (integrating live-action shots) animation feature films
  • by writers/directors for whom it is their 1st or 2nd work in this format.


During the residency project leaders will benefit from:

  • 1 round-trip transportation (plane or train depending on where the resident is coming from);
  • 3-months’ accommodation in the Commune nouvelle d’Annecy;
  • intramuros transport tickets;
  • a workspace at the Papeteries ‒ Images Factory;
  • computers available for use;
  • a €1,000 grant per month;
  • a mentor available for 9 days maximum to be spread across the 3-month period of residency;
  • a Mifa accreditation
  • showcasing the project during the Mifa.The residency does not include:
  • catering coverage;
  • any additional home-Annecy transport during the 3 months;
  • requests for specific equipment


  • The residency is assigned to a project. It will be up to the director to choose who will be the most apt in the team to benefit from this creative time (the director, storyboarder, associated graphic writer, etc.)
  • The invitation is individual and only valid for one person. The producer may seize the opportunity to reinforce his/her team and "relocate" a member, but this will be at his/her own personal expense.
  • Mentorship will be in French or English only, depending on the resident’s country of origin.CITIA will ensure the organisation prior to the residency and its smooth running on-site.
  • As part of cultural and artistic actions with schools CITIA may request the resident’s presence for mediations, meetings or other forms of participation

Mentors:  Benjamin Renner, Nora Twomey, Jérémy Clapin, Florence Miailhe, Sébastien Laudenbach, Éléa Gobbé-Mévellec and also Benjamin Massoubre.


  • A needs assessment will then define the type of support necessary for each project by affiliating the appropriate mentor(s). At the outset of the residency scriptwriting support can be provided depending on the stage of the project’s development.
  • The mentoring can also focus on graphic design, storyboard or animation technique as well as editing. Mentoring will be determined with the resident’s acknowledgement and subject to the expert’s availability.
  • The project leaders selected will be in residence in Annecy for three consecutive months (from the beginning of April to the end of June). The Festival and Mifa week will be the perfect opportunity to showcase the projects (visibility during a Pitch session at the Mifa and meeting professionals) and gauge the interest they raise with possible investors.
  • Conclusions will be made at end of the month of June, time to review the project’s progress and to produce a written report on the residency: assessment of the work carried out and the project’s evolution, meetings and contacts made, and planned prospects.
  • After the residency there will be a progress report to keep a link and follow its support and visibility until the end of the film’s production.


1. Project identity sheet: title, writer(s), length, target audience
2. Synopsis: 10 lines maximum
3. Overall presentation (detailed synopsis, universe, main characters): 15-20 pages
4. Scenario (latest version)
5. Graphical elements (characters, sets, first storyboard sketches, etc.) and potential animation tests
6. Director’s statement of intent
7. Information concerning the desired work strategies by doing a storyboard during the residency (axes defined by the director and his/her producer, if there is an associate producer): 1 or 2 pages
8. Financial and strategic note: budget, secured percentage, subsidies obtained or under review, and production/co-production prospects.
9. Note on the project’s possible educational scope, especially for school audiences
10. CV including URL links to previous works (if applicable)
11. Dated and signed note certifying the project’s conformity
IF THE PROJECT COMES FROM A PRE-EXISTING WORK: title, author(s) and publishing company It is absolutely imperative to attach a letter of agreement from the rights holder to present the project and authorize the adaptation

  • Full regulations
  • Apply via email and all required elements (no bigger than 50 MB PFD)  to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (subject: Annecy Festival Residency Candidature); and within the allotted time.
  • Registration deadline: 30th August 2020

Key dates:

Announcement of the selection: beginning of October 2020
Residency: 5th April to 27th June 2021


The Region is proud to be associated with the Annecy Festival’s launch of a new residency project, which fits perfectly in the Region’s strategy developed around the four areas of expertise in film. The current health crisis has made it clear to us that it is vital to continue to create and enable young talents to express themselves, via this new residency project, but also via this year’s digital edition of the Festival. In these uncertain times it is indispensable to safeguard the irreplaceable link with the works and artists."
Laurent Wauquiez, Chairman of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

Haute-Savoie is the land of animation film, and the Department has backed the dynamics of this sector for over 40 years: its Audiovisual Production Support Fund has already assisted almost 40 works to see the light of day. So, it is perfectly natural that it supports the new project helmed by CITIA to welcome artists to our territory. Creation, production, moving image education, youth training, international broadcasting and now artist residencies: Haute-Savoie supports all stages and all those concerned within animation film.

Over time this has become one of our territory’s emblems. The resources provided by the Department are massive and testify to a long-lasting commitment. The health crisis that we are currently traversing only highlights the absolute necessity of this investment in favour of quality artistic and cinematographic content - Christian Monteil, Chairman of the Haute-Savoie Department

"Write, think, hesitate, and take your time, this is how we need to bring forth the beginnings of a creative project! France Télévisions is enthusiastically involved in the Annecy Festival’s residency project, this will be the opportunity for our group to meet new artists and possibly initiate new feature film projects that are always "long-term journeys" for the years to come. More than ever we are supporting French creation and even more specifically the animation sector. Encouraging and meeting new talents should remain essential in the creative cycle - Cécile Négrier, Head of France 3 Cinéma, and Tiphaine de Raguenel, Head of Youth Audiences and Animation


Event Dates

  • From 05/04/2020 to 27/06/2020



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