DOK Leipzig 2024

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
28/10/2024 - 03/11/2024
Leipzig, Germany
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Festival Description

The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film – in short: DOK Leipzig – is an annual festival for documentary and animated films. The festival is sponsored and organised by the city of Leipzig. It commissions the non-profit Leipzig-based DOK-Filmwochen GmbH with the preparation, implementation and management of the festival.

2024 Call for Entries

Eligibility criteria:

  • The festival is open to documentary and animated films as well as animated documentaries and hybrid forms of documentary storytelling.
  • Eligible are films of all lengths with the production year of 2023 or 2024 that have not been publicly screened before 15 October 2023.
  • Films that were publicly available in Germany before the end of the 67th edition of DOK Leipzig (3/11/2024), e.g. on television, online or through a regular cinema release, do not qualify.
  •  The films can be of any lengths, short (up to 40 minutes) and feature-length. 


    The festival programme is organised into four competitions and two out-of-competition sections, whose films can be nominated for awards across all sections.

    • International Competition Documentary Film ((documentary films of all lengths)
      World or International premieres preferred, European premiere is required. For films up to 40 minutes, at least a German premiere is required, but preference is given to World and International premieres.
    • International Competition Animated Film  (animated films of all lengths)
      At least a German premiere is required.
    • German Competition Documentary Film (documentary films of all lengths, (co-) produced in Germany)
      World premieres required
    • Audience Competition (documentary and animated films over 40 min)
      At least a German premiere is required
    • Camera Lucida (Out-of-competition) -(experimental documentary and animated films of all lengths)
      At least a German premiere is required
    • Panorama: Central and Eastern Europe (Out-of-competition) - (Documentaries and animated films of all lengths with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe)
      At least a German premiere is required

    • Entry Form
    • Regulations
    • Deadline: 1 July 2024


    2020 Festival Coverage

    2019 Festival Coverage

    2018 Festival Coverage

    Animation Juries:

    The winners in the International Competition Short Documentary and Animated Film will be determined by a jury composed of British producer Greg Sanderson, Barbara Truyen, director of the documentary film department at the Dutch television broadcaster VPRO, as well as Austria’s Jürgen Hagler, professor for computer animation and animation studies and director of the Ars Electronica Animation Festival in Linz.

    Official Selection 2018:

    From Argentina to Egypt, Lebanon to Latvia, Montenegro to Madagascar, and Sierra Leone to Saudi Arabia – this year we are showing a grand total of 306 films from 50 different countries. Of the 3,150 works viewed by the selection committee over the course of the last year, 160 have now made it into the Official Selection, the further films will be screened in the scope of our Special Programmes.

    DOK Leipzig’s Official Selection is composed of six competitions and the International Programme as well as the new section LATE HARVEST. Female directors account for a full fifty per cent of the films of the Official Selection.

    In the films of the individual programmes and competitions, DOK Leipzig takes a look at the legacy of the Soviet Union, at self-determined women and contemporary female figures, at architectural masterpieces and deep into the abyss – while attempting to get to the roots of current political trends in Germany, Europe and beyond.

    Guests: Ruth Beckermann and Werner Herzog

    At this year’s festival edition, the work of Austrian filmmaker Ruth Beckermann will be featured in several ways. Beckermann, who is regarded as a co-founder of the independent film scene in Austria, will be honoured with a homage, and she will also give insights into her filmmaking in a masterclass. In addition, she will be one of the jurors deciding about the winners in the Next Masters Competitions.

    Werner Herzog is without a doubt among the most influential German filmmakers in the history of cinema. Over the course of his career as a director, he has made more than 60 documentaries and feature films. At DOK Leipzig 2018, he is not only presenting his new film Meeting Gorbachev as the opening film – his documentary work is also the focus of a Homage bearing the title ECSTATIC TRUTHS.



    Event Dates

    • From 28/10/2024 to 03/11/2024



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