Drama International Short Film Festival 2024

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
02/09/2024 - 08/09/2024
Drama, Greece
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

Festival Description: 

The City of Drama, in Greece. It’s the most important gathering place for the Greek filmmakers, who the last years are excelling at the international film festivals! During the DISFF44, the festival took place both in a physical and an online version. The short film competition programs (National, International, Short and Green, Animation & Student), were presented in 4 Venues: at the “Olympia” Cinema, at the newly-renovated Open-Air Cinema “Alexandros”, at the Municipal Conservatory of Drama, and at the new Drive-In Cinema. Online, the DISFF-Platform reached more than 230.0000 unique visits and in the 2020 highlight was the head-jury of the International Competition: the Polish Oscar winning director Pawel Pawlikowski. International Short Film Festival in Drama is both an Oscar-qualifying festival and  accredited as member festival of the European Film Academy’s Short Film Initiative, assuring direct nomination of the Prix EFA- Drama to European Film Academy’s Awards.

2024 Call for Entries

The 30th International Competition of the Drama Short Film Festival will take place from September 2nd to 8th, 2024.


To be eligible for participation, films shall meet the following conditions:
- Greek Premiere is required for the submission of films to the International Competition. Therefore, prior public performance, screening, broadcasting or rebroadcasting of the works to the public by radio and television by any means to the public in Greece or on-demand access in any way before or during the days of the Festival are not allowed. The presentation of the film shall be deemed to be public when the film becomes accessible to a circle of persons wider than the narrow circle of the family and theimmediate social circle of the author, regardless of whether the persons of this wider circle are at the same or at different locations.
- Films shall be completed after January 1st of 2023. 
- Their duration should not exceed forty minutes (40) minutes with the end credits. In exceptional cases, with a reasoned opinion of the Artistic Director and a decision of the Board,the Festival reserves the right to accept a longer film.
- Each director may participate in the Festival with only one (1) film, and shall declare the type of film (documentary, fiction, animation),
- Film genres that may participate: fiction films, documentary films, animated films, experimental films


To be eligible for participation, films shall meet the following conditions:


- Greek Premiere is required for the submission of films to the Competition.
Therefore, prior public performance, screening, broadcasting or rebroadcasting of the works to the public by radio and television by any means to the public in Greece or on-demand access in any way before or during the days of the Festival are not allowed. The presentation of the film shall be deemed to be public when the film becomes accessible to a circle of persons wider than the narrow circle of the family and the immediate social circle of the author, regardless of whether the persons of this wider circle are at the same or at different locations.
- Films shall be completed within the year 2023 or 2024. 

- Film genres that may participate: fiction films, documentary films, animated films, experimental films.

2019 Festival Coverage


Event Dates

  • From 02/09/2024 to 08/09/2024



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