Ibero-American Co-Production Forum, April 2020

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
05/04/2020 - 06/04/2020
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

2020 Dates TBC, Call for Entries to Follow

2019 Coverage

All the activities of the Quirino Awards will take place on April 5th and 6th, 2019 in the Spanish city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on the island of Tenerife.

The event will have 3 complementary parts:

  • Awards ceremony (April 6th)
  • Ibero-American coproduction forum (April 5th and 6th)
  • International Congress of Ibero-American Animation (April 5th and 6th)

The forum will have a format formed by several presentations, work tables and b2b meetings where companies will have great prominence and access to the main Ibero-American agents. To broaden horizons and draw bridges, companies from outside Ibero-America will be invited to participate with a special focus on Europe.

In 2018, the Forum brought together around 300 professionals and a round table with the Ibermedia Program was held, which laid out the bases for a specific support line for animation.

For its part, with the challenge of reflecting about regional animation, the Ibero-American Animation International Congress calls for papers until January 30th 2019 and the regulations are available on the Congress website. The selected proposals will be announced on March 25th 2019.

Main activities of the forum:

  • Presentations of the state of the animation industry in different countries and regions (through its associations and clusters)
  • B2B coproduction meetings
  • Industry round tables
  • Conferences
  • Presentation of the White Paper on Ibero-American Animation


All Ibero-American companies, producers or television channels or those interested in Ibero-America may participate in the B2B forum / meetings.


The first deadline to pre-register the forum is January 20th until 11pm Mexican time. A selection will be made of all pre-registrations received in this first phase. The accreditations granted will be communicated the week of February 12th. All the companies selected in this first phase will have preference in the B2B meetings and will obtain their accreditation for free, which will also give them access to the activities of the congress and to the entrance to the awards ceremony + closing gala cocktail.


A second registration period is open with February 7th at 2pm Mexican time as deadline. Accreditations in this second phase will be confirmed within a maximum period of one week from the date of registration. For those selected participants the accreditation of the forum will cost 60 euros and will also give access to the activities of the congress and to the entrance to the awards ceremony + closing gala cocktail.

The selected companies that have obtained their accreditation will be able to request their B2B meetings before the event. The accreditation will be free for members of Ibero-American associations or clusters as well as representatives of institutions. Maximum two free accreditations per association / cluster.

  • Check out the regulations and register here

Event Dates

  • From 05/04/2020 to 06/04/2020



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