Call For Workshops: 31st SAS Annual Conference, 17-21/6/19

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
17/06/2019 - 21/06/2019
Lisbon, Portugal
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee

The Society for Animation Studies (SAS) is an international organization dedicated to the study of animation history and theory. It was founded by Dr. Harvey Deneroff in 1987. Each year, the SAS holds an annual conference at locations throughout the world, where members present their recent research.

Under the theme ANIMATION IS A PLACE, the 31st Society for Animation Studies Conference (hosted by Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa) aims to celebrate animation as one of the most vital contemporary forms of visual expression. According to Lisbon organizers, the 2019 conference will need to reflect animation practice, its cultural diversity(ies), local distinctiveness, and the issue of how style and subject matter reflect (or won't reflect) our varied identities.

2019 Call For SAS Workshops

This year complementing the SAS conference we want to open a new forum of debate hosting practice-based Workshop sessions. The aim of these Workshops is to advance existing and emerging areas of animation practice-research as a complement to the formats of the main conference program. They will allow workshop presenters a different scope of action beyond the traditional conference format, with more freedom to stage structured interactions and collaborative processes, and to use more unconventional and experimental session formats.

Using the same thematic framework of the 2019 conference, Animation is a Place, and suggesting practice and theory as a reflection of its time and place, and a tool of cultural expression, we invite proposals for workshops that reflect on the themes of the conference through the making.

The workshops can be a way to share an ongoing research or invite participants to be part of it. We welcome varied proposals within the following topics:

  • Specific aspect of making, methods, process, inventions to be tested;
  • Experimental teaching methods in different contexts, from universities to schools, communities or therapeutic places.
  • Specific moments of the animation process, such as writing, storyboarding, drawing, sound and composition;
  • Alternative methods or reflections on specific techniques; the use of techniques and tools, both contemporary and linked to the history of animation.
  • Different ways of collaborating in animation.

The workshops will be hosted by the Lusofona University. They will take place the first day of the Conference and the maximum length is half a day (3 hours). Organizers invite proposals that have no costs in term of materials and tools required, since the Conference can provide only space and basic equipment already in place.

Every submission (max 5000 words including references, max 5 MB) has to contain:

1 - title;
2 - abstract;
3 - theoretical background;
4 - workshop description;
5 - intended audience and max participants;
6 - length of workshop (max time 4 hours);
7 - space and equipment required;
8 - expected outcomes;
9 - references & bibliography
10 - biography of the authors (max 250 words)

The workshops’ written proposals and content will be given the possibility of publcation in this year’s conference host online peer reviewed journal, The International Journal of Film and Media Art

Workshops Scientific Committee: Pedro Serrazina, Elisa Bertolotti, Mariana Ciancia, Francesca Piredda, Dan Brackenbury, Chiara Ligi

 Practical Info

  • TIMING: The proposals must arrive within the 28th of April 2019. Selected workshops will be communicated very shortly after. The workshops will be held in the morning of the 17th of June.
  • FEES: Selected workshop presenters will be invited to attend all the 31st SAS conference panels, except extra, paid activities and lunches.
  • SEND YOUR PROPOSALS TO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Event Dates

  • From 17/06/2019 to 21/06/2019



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