T-Short Animated Film Online Festival 2024

Event Description
T-Short is the community of professionals and animated movie fans. T-Short project consists of three main sections: Film Gallery, Festival and Community. Each project section has a certain set of useful features, both for professionals related to animation and for common animation fans. The project doesn't target children's audience and doesn't allow movies or series that target children's audience.
After a long 13-year pause, in April 2021 the 7th International Animated Film Festival and the 1st online festival took place. The festival has undergone significant changes in the name, concept and venue. The old name of the festival was BIMINI, in honor of the short-animated film of the same name “Bimini” by the master of Latvian animation Arnold Burov, festival showed films for both children and adult audiences and of any length, as well was held in Riga, Latvia. The new name of the festival is T-Short this is a kind of wordplay: T-Shirt is a well-known item of clothing and the word Short here means a short film. Similarly, a project logo emphasizes a wordplay in the title – a film shaped like T-Shirt. The festival platform was created in Germany and festival was organized in Germany too, however, the festival is held online only. The festival showcases only animated short films and is aimed at an adult audience.
2024 Call for entries
The festival will show only short films of up to 15 minutes, finished after 1/1/2022
- The festival will show films not for children. T-Short doesn't target children's audience and doesn't allow movies or series that target only children's audience
- The festival accepts films for an adult audience or for all family.
- The festival is international and has no national awards.
The films included in the Festival program are evaluated by the jury in accordance with the following nominations:
• Best of the Best
• Best Storyline film
• Best Bizarre animation (experimental, abstract, surreal)
• Best Debut
• Best Student Storyline film
• Best Student Bizarre animation
• Best Musical Motive
• Additional nominations may be added at the discretion of the organizers.
• Main prize for each nomination
• Jury Special Prize
• T-Short Special Award
• Other prizes and awards from sponsors and partners
- Festival Regulations and submissions via FilmFreeway
- Deadline: 31 May 2024
Event Dates
- From 13/09/2024 to 29/09/2024