Two Day Animation Lab, Encounters Festival 23-24/9/19

Deadline | Event Dates (period)
23/09/2019 - 24/09/2019
Bristol, UK
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Final submission deadline
Submission/Registration Fee


The two day lab is for new and emerging animators to learn about the UK animation industry, how to get work made and funded, how to develop your storytelling skills and how to progress your ideas for a short animation.  It is open to both individual early career animators and also animation teams who have an idea for a short fiction project that you wish to develop with a view to getting funded and made.

Day one of the lab will be an opportunity to hear from national and international speakers talking about their work, how to get your work made, how to pitch your ideas and how to navigate the international film festival circuit. The second day will be all about developing your storytelling skills, which will be lead by Selina Ukuoma – a global script developer who works for the Berlin Film Festival. 

It will also be a space for all participants to provide peer to peer support and to form a cohort and network with other early career animators in the South West. You will receive a full pass to Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival which will allow you an opportunity to attend industry screenings and events.

Training will cover travel and two nights accommodation for those travelling from outside of Bristol,  but not  accommodation for the duration of Encounters Film Festival. Childcare and access costs can also be covered.


When applying, applicants will need to provide a story outline and / or an un-produced animated short film fiction script (can be in draft stages). This story idea should have the potential to be shaped and developed and in the future suitable for the BFI NETWORK Short Film Funding. (read the guidelines to shape your idea). The Animation Lab could be a stepping stone to applying for the funding in the future, so please do read about the funds first before applying for the Animation Lab.  Please note, in your application you will need to provide examples of previous work, but this can be non-professional, student or grass roots

  • Over 18
  • Not in full time education
  • Based in South West England
  • Animator or Animation teams (up to 2 people per project)
  • Animators do not need to have a producer yet to apply to the lab
  • Projects must be under 15 minutes – but shorter projects strongly encouraged
  • Projects must be fiction and character led
  • Smaller production companies can apply but the lab participants must include Animator and lead Producer
  • Applicant MUST be available to attend both days of the lab


  • Application deadline: 26 August 2019
  • Shortlisted Projects notified: Tuesday 10 September
  • Lab dates: September Monday 23 + Tuesday 24, Bristol

What’s included:

  •  2 day lab (FREE)
  • Full passes to Encounters Film Festival24 – 29 September
  • Accommodation for 1 – 2 nights for animators unable to travel to Bristol for each day (teams staying on for the rest of Encounters Film Festival dates will need to arrange own accommodation for festival, festival discounts for accommodation may be available)
  • Travel costs within the South West
  • Lunch on both days of the lab

Application Form



Event Dates

  • From 23/09/2019 to 24/09/2019



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