108 Animation Shorts for Anima Brussels 2022

108 Animation Shorts for Anima Brussels 2022

The international competition of Anima Brussels festival (25 Feb - 6 Mar 2022) will be made up of 108 films, while the national competition will bring together 22 new Belgian productions. 52 out of competition films will also be added to these which will make up the various special programmes.

Joanna Quinn returns with her latest film 'Affairs of the Art', winner of the Best Animated Film Award at the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival. Yoriko Mizushiri, winner of the Anima 2014 Grand Prix for Best International Short Film, is also back with  'Anxious Body', along with Franck Dion with 'Under the Skin, the Bark'.

In the national competition, 'Piteous Liaisons' sees the return of Chloé Alliez, who directed All Their Shades, winner of the Best Belgian Short Film Award at Anima 2016, while 'Luce and the Rock' sees the return of Britt Raes, also Best Belgian Short Film Award winner in 2017 with her film 'Catherine'.

We are very proud to find all these filmmakers in our official selection. Anima has been supporting their careers since their very first films and never ceases to be impressed by their talent -Karin Vandenrydt, co-director of the Anima Festival.

The full lineup:

International professional short films
A Bite of Bone, Honami YANO / Japan
Absence, Marc HÉRICHER / France
Affairs of the Art, Joanna QUINN and LES MILLS / UK, Canada
Airborne, Jobczyk ANDRZEJ / Poland
Anxious Body, Yoriko MIZUSHIRI /France, Japan
Black Slide, Uri LOTAN / Israel
Boxballet, Anton DYAKOV / Russia
Comeback, Vladimir LESCHIOV / Latvia, Lithuania
Fledge, Hani DOMBE and Tom KOURIS / Israel, France
Guard of Honour, Edmunds JANSONS / Latvia
Le Réveil des insectes, Stéphanie LANSAQUE and François LEROY / France
Loop, Pablo POLLEDRI / Spain, Argentina
Mom, Kajika AKI FERRAZZINI, France
Night Bus, Joe HSIEH /Taiwan
Noir-Soleil, Marie LARRIVÉ / France
Pas de Titre, Alexandra MYOTTE / Canada
Pompier, Yulia ARONOVA / France, Russia
Rites of Spring, Yiorgos Tsangaris / Cyprus
Santiago, Andrey KOULEV / Bulgaria
Sous la Peau, l'écorce, Franck DION / France
Steakhouse, Špela ČADEŽ / Slovenia, France, Germany
The Girl Who Stood Still, Joana TOSTE / Portugal
The Shaman's Apprentice, Zacharias KUNUK / Canada
The Stork, Morten TŠINAKOV and Lucija MRZLJAK /Estonia
Tio, Juan José MEDINA / Mexico
To the Last Drop, SCHNELLMANN / Germany
Un Caillou dans la chaussure / Eric MONTCHAUD / France, Switzerland


International student films

Au Revoir Jérôme !, Adam SILLARD, Gabrielle SELNET and Chloé FARR / France
Chroniques de l’Eau salée, Tamerlan BEKMURZAYEV, Antoine CARRE, Rodrigo GOULÃO DE SOUSA, Alexandra PETIT and Martin ROBIC / France
Do Not Feed the Pigeons, Antonin NICLASS / United Kingdom
Drawn Undrew Draw, Angel WU / Taiwan
Eyes and Horns, Chaerin IM / Germany, United States, South Korea
Fall of the Ibis King, Mikai GERONIMO and Josh O'CAOIMH / Ireland
Furia, Siuda JULIA / Poland
La Confiture de papillons, Shih-Yen HUANG / France, Taiwan
La Neige incertaine, Marion BOISROND, Marie-Liesse COUMAU, Ada HERNAEZ, Gwendoline LEGENDRE and Romane TISSEAU / France
Les Larmes de la Seine, Yanis BELAID, Eliott BENARD, Nicolas MAYEUR, Étienne MOULIN, Hadrien PINOT and Lisa VICENTE / France
Louise, Constance BERTOUX, Camille BOZEC, Pauline GUITTON, Pauline MAUVIERE and Mila MONAGHAN / France
Nuisibles, Juliette LABORIA / France
Pearl Diver, Margrethe DANIELSEN / Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Estonia
Prisoner Outside, Igor MEDVEDEV / Germany
Red Shoes, Anna PODSKALSKÁ / Czechia
Sauna, Lara PERREN and Anna Lena SPRING / Switzerland
The Clearing, Daniel Robert HOPE / United Kingdom
The Deceased, Keren Or ZELINGHER and Avishai SIMCHOVITCH / Israel

Pearl Diver

International short films for a young audience

Aeronaut, Leon GOLTERMAN / Netherlands
Babies and the Bear, Skrobecki MAREK / Poland
Battery Daddy, Seung-Bae JEON /South Korea
Bémol, Oana LACROIX / Switzerland
Croc'Marmottes, Benjamin BOTELLA / France
Dans la Nature, Marcel BARELLI / Switzerland
François Couperin. The Alarm Clock, Natalia RYSS /Russia, Belarus, Israel
Idodo, Ursula ULMI / Switzerland, Papua New Guinea
Kiko et les Animaux, Yawen ZHENG / France, Switzerland
La Trop Petite Cabane, Hugo FRASSETTO / Belgium, France
Little Snowman, Aleksey POCHIVALOV / Russia
Lunar Love & Ever, Gabriel GARBLE / Sweden
Maman pleut des cordes, Hugo DE FAUCOMPRET /France
Moules-Frites, Nicolas HU / France
My Friend Tiger, Tatiana KISELEVA / Russia
Orchestra Rehearsal, Tatiana OKRUZHNOVA / Russia
Patouille, des Graines en parachute, Inès BERNARD-ESPINA, Mélody BOULISSIÈRE and Clémentine CAMPOS / France
Sign Up!, Philip WATTS / Australia
Sounds Between the Crowns, Filip DIVIAK / Czechiia
Step by Step, Anabelle David, Julie Valentin, Claire Robert THĒODORE JANVIER, FANNY PAOLI and EMMA GACH /France
Temps de Cochon, Emmanuelle GORGIARD / France
The Patchwork Song, Angela STEFFEN / Germany
Tobi et le Turbobus, Verena FELS / Germany
Under the Clouds, Tikunova VASILISA / Russia
Vague à l'Âme, Cloé COUTEL / France
Zog and the Flying Doctors, Sean MULLEN / United Kingdom

Dans la nature

National (Belgian) professional short films

Caché - dialogue avec mon grand-père, Julie RENER / Belgium
Câline, Margot REUMONT / Belgium, France
De Onbekende Soldaat, Pieter VANLUFFELEN and Caroline VAN KERCKHOVEN / Belgium, Netherlands
Les liaisons foireuses, Violette DELVOYE and Chloé ALLIEZ / France, Belgium
Little Ox, Raf WATHION and Patrick VANDEBROECK / Belgium, Netherlands
Ronde de Nuit, Julien REGNARD / France, Belgium

National student films

Balaclava, Youri OREKHOFF / Belgium
Bami /Belgium
Dahu, Mona SCHNERB / Belgium
Eye in the Woods / Belgium
How to defeat three Samurai with two chopsticks, Athéna DE CALLATAŸ / Belgium
Krak, Stan LIEVENS /Belgium
Kuro, le Samouraï noir, Mathis FIALON and Morgane SUBLET / Belgium
La bride, Nicolas PIRET / Belgium
Les Libellules, Hanck LORIS, Adèle FRÉCHOU and Léa CODDEN / Belgium
Red Giant, Anne VERBEURE / Belgium
Sonata, Josje VERBEECK / Belgium

National Short Films for a Young Audience

Andersland, An VROMBAUT / Belgium
Bobonnekoekjes, Frits STANDAERT / Belgium, France
Le renard, la tortue, l'araignée et le gâteau, Collectif 10 ENFANTS, Louise-Marie COLON and Mathieu LABAYE / Belgium
Luce and the Rock,Britt RAES / Belgium, France, Netherlands
Old Nest, Sarah MARCHAND / Belgium

Luce and the Rock

«Animated Night» short films

A Film About a Pudding, Roel VAN BEEK / United Kingdom
A Very Gripping Story, Trevor HARDY / United Kingdom
Benztown, Gottfried MENTOR / Germany
Big Crunch, Júlia FARKAS / Hungary, United States
Burder, Charlie HANKIN / United States
Conspiracy, Andrey KUZNETSOV / Russia
Crisis, Leopold MAURER / Austria
Damn It !, Elena WALF / Germany
Due to legal reasons this Film is called Breaking Bert, Anne ISENSEE / Germany
Elevator Alone, Anastasia PAPADOPOULOU / Greece
Face Recognition, Martinus KLEMET / Estonia
Guard of Honour, Edmunds JANSONS / Latvia
Hot Singles In Your Area, Nicolás PETELSKI / Spain, Ireland
Into the Cutezone, Niklas WOLFF
Kayak, Tiphaine Klein, Auguste Lefort, Antoine Rossi SOLÈNE BOSSEBOEUF, FLORE DECHORGNAT / France
L'immoral, Ekin KOCA / France
La guerre très très froide / Bonnie ROLLOT, Clara MARI, Sandra GARCIA, Wenqing WANG and Lucie GAY, France
Le Printemps de Claude, Gaspar CHABAUD / France
Les 2 Souliers, Paul DRIESSEN / France, Netherlands
Loop, Pablo POLLEDRI / Spain, Argentina
Mauvaises herbes, Claude CLOUTIER / Canada
Merry Big Mess, Arthur Morle, Antoine Tomasi, Clémence Van Gout SACHA GOSSELIN, AMBRE BOHIN, TIMOTHÉ BALLAN, AMAURY EMOND, HUGO JORON / France
Mon Royaume pour un Cornichon, Thomas LECLERCQ / Belgium
Mr. Pete & the Iron Horse, Kilian VILIM / Switzerland
Plan-Plan Cul-Cul, Alexandre VIGNAUD / Belgium
Rubic's cube, Krystsina RAMANAVA / Czechia
Speed, Ben MITCHELL / United Kingdom
Stowaway, Ethan BRISCOE / United States
Succulent, Paulin GRENADE/ Belgium
Sweet Nothing, Joana FISCHER and Marie-Christine KENOV / Switzerland
To Kill the Birds & the Bees, Calleen KOH / Singapore
Trois Bêtes et un ours, Guillaume CUISSET and Antoine DELMOTTE / Belgium
Turbo Love, Alicja JASINA / Poland
Wonderful Ideas, David CARRIZALES / Spain

A special programme, entitled French Air, will also be dedicated to French schools during the festival.  Anima Festival has also created the new Not So Short category on the Anima Online platform so as to highlight these films  too long to be part of a short film compilation, but nevertheless deserve to be discovered by the general public

Anima Brussels takes place 25 Feb- 6 March 2022 in Brussels, Belgium

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