Summer 2014, Cosmoetico take home Animateka 2015 awards

Summer 2014, Cosmoetico take home Animateka 2015 awards

The Polish Summer 2014 by Wojciech Sobczyk (Association "Studio A") 12'20" took home the Animateka festival Grand Prix. The film is self-described as a treaty about the desire of domination and violence as the driving force of history, shown in the spectrum of grey.

The jury (Rosto, Robert Morgan, Anet ter Horst, Julie Roy and Jean-Luc Slock) praised the film for its technical mastery, the hypnotic soundtrack pulling the viewer through a dramatic journey. We agreed upon the inventive editing through framing, the apocalyptic yet beautiful panoramas, the sense of depth, and the uncompromising violent spectacle, like a cinematic fresco.



But ultimately, it's simply a BOLD film that hit us hard. Fucking hard.

 University of Ljubljana and University of Nova Gorica Award for Best European Student Animated Film was given to the Italian Cosmoetico by  Martina Scarpelli (CSC Torino,  04'46'').


The jury praised  its timeless topic, its scope (details and the whole), and found a  contemplative story about the eroticism of the term 'femininity'. Cosmos, ethics, cosmetics.


D'SAF! Audience Award was given to  Anatomija pajka  / Anatomy of a Spider by Vojtěch Kiss (nutprodukce, 27'20"), which also took home Robert Morgan's individual jury mention, for its deeply expressive way to present  nightmarish trip into the bowels of a dysfunctional city.


Other individual jury mentions were given to: Uncanny Valley by Paul Wenninger (jury: Julie Roy), Moon blink by Rainer Kohlberger (jury: Rosto), Haircut by Virginia Mori (jury: Jean-Luc Slock), Teeth by Daniel Gray & Tom Brown (jury: Anet ter Horst).

The Children Jury Award for Best Film in the Elephant Programme was awarded to  O materi  / About a Mother by Dina Velikovskaya (SHAR studio,  07'20"), for its excellent examination of  maternal feelings through a slightly humorous hair metaphor.


 Animateka Children Award Jury (photo credits: Animateka)

The 12th Animateka festival took place from 7-13 December 2015 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Stay tuned for next Animateka edition, 5-11 December 2016.

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