41+25 Films in the World Panorama and Films for Children Competition for Animafest Zagreb 2020

41+25 Films in the World Panorama and Films for Children Competition for Animafest Zagreb 2020

 The central event of the rich Animafest Zagreb 2020 Children and Youth Programme is the Films for Children Competition, an international selection of 41 films from 20 countries from all over the world. The films were preselected by Nino Kovačić and selected by the Slovenian media psychologist Martina Peštaj, the editor of Children and Youth Programming with Radio Television Slovenia, who categorised the entries according to their suitability into four age groups (4-7, 7-10, 10-14 and 14+).

World Panorama is a diverse non-competitive selection of original and innovative titles that cross the boundaries of animation. It will showcase 25 films from 20 countries.

There are many familiar names in the World Panorama section, such as Alexandre Siqueira (Purpleboy), Sasha Svirksy (My Galactic Twin Galaction), Max Hattler (Serial Parallels), Reinhold Bidner (Time o' the signs)

In the Films for Children competition, the Oscar-nominated Daughter (Daria Kashcheeva) is included, along with films such as Ties (Dina Velikovskaya), Heatwave (Fokion Xenos), One Stormy Night (Gil Alkabetz) and Beware the Wolf! (Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Julie Rembauville).

The full line-up.


  • 616, Hiram Guzman (La H Producciones / United States / 2019)
  • Careful, Alice Saey (Miyu Production, De Nieuwe Oost / France, Netherlands / 2020)
  • Crowded, Nathania Rubin (Nathania Rubin / Netherlands / 2020)
  • Deux oiseaux, Antoine Robert (Tu Nous ZA Pas Vus Productions, La Station Animation / France / 2019)
  • Disoriented, Jérémie Cousin (La Poudrière / France / 2019)
  • Earthfall, Simone Hooymans (Aldeles AS / Norway / 2019)
  • Flamingo, Kawo Khan (Milan DelVecchio / Macao, Taiwan / 2019)
  • Flow, Adriaan Lokman (Valk Productions, Dark Prince / Netherlands, France / 2019)
  • Homo ErecTattoos, Tae-woo KIM (T.S.Studio / South Koreja / 2020)
  • Lursaguak. Scenes from life, Izibene Oñederra (Izibene Oñederra / Spain / 2019)
  • My Galactic Twin Galaction, Sasha Svirsky (“Master-Film” Movie Company / Russia / 2020)
  • PTSD, Claudia Cortés Espejo, Lora D’Addazio, Mathilde Remy (I Do What I Want Prod / Belgium, France / 2019)
  • Purpleboy, Alexandre Siqueira (Bando à Parte, Rainbox Productions, Ambiances… asbl, Luna Blue Film / Portugal, France, Belgium / 2019)
  • Ramouli, Yann Le Bot (EMCA / Germany / 2019)
  • Richie, Romane Granger (ENSAD / France / 2019)
  • Routine: The Prohibition, Sam Orti (Conflictivos Productions, Hampa Studio S.L. / Spain / 2020)
  • Sandwich Protocol, Valérie Bousquie, Joséphine Meis, Côme Roy, Antoine Vignon, Benjamin Warnitz (Gobelins, l’école de l’image / France / 2019)
  • Serial Parallels, Max Hattler (Relentless Melt / Hong Kong, Germany / 2019)
  • Shannon Amen, Chris Dainty (National Film Board of Canada / Canada / 2019)
  • Six to Six, Neta Cohen (Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem / Israel / 2019)
  • Song Sparrow, Farzaneh Omidvarnia (Farzaneh Omidvarnia / Iran, Denmark / 2019)
  • The Passerby, Pieter Coudyzer (S.O.I.L. (Linda Sterckx & Geert Van Goethem) / Belgium / 2020
  • The Surrogate, Stas Santimov (OivaviO / Ukraine / 2020)
  • Them, Amélie Cochet, Louis Möhrle (Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst / Switzerland / 2019)
  • Time o´ the Signs, Reinhold Bidner (gold extra / Austria / 2019)



  • Blanket, Marina Moshkova (Soyuzmultfilm / Russia / 2020)
  • Fluffy Hour: PuiPui & MuuMuu ”Mysterious Seed“, HIROYUKI Mizoguchi (NHK ENTERPRISES, INC. Animation Global Business Headquarters, Character Animation Studio inc. / Japan / 2019)
  • Koyaa - Trippy Trashcan, Kolja Saksida (ZVVIKS, RTV Slovenia / Slovenia / 2019)
  • Little Grey Wolfy. Summer Party, Natalia Malykhina (Ulvenfilm AS / Norway / 2019)
  • Maestro, Illogic Illogic (Bloom Pictures/ France / 2019)
  • Sweet Tusk, Anna Hrachovec (Mochimochi Land / United States / 2020)
  • The Little Bird and the Bees, Lena von Döhren (Schattenkabinett Gmbh / Switzerland / 2020)
  • The Witch & the Baby, Evgenia Golubeva (Soyuzmultfilm / Russia / 2020)
  • Thundeeer, Ivana Guljašević Kuman (Igubuka / Croatia / 2019)
  • Warm Star, Anna Kuzina (Soyuzmultfilm / Russia / 2020)


  • Athleticus 2: La Rencontre, Nicolas Deveaux (AUTOUR DE MINUIT / France / 2019)
  • Beware the Wolf!, Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Julie Rembauville (Prototypes Productions / France / 2020)
  • Bloated, Baptiste Tassin (Mopa / France / 2019)
  • Fussel, Alex Berweck (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, Animationsinstitut / Germany / 2019)
  • Mare Monstrum, Lucia Hernandez, Àngel Estois, Merce Sendino (El Tercer Pájaro / Spain / 2019)
  • Not Even Scared!, Virginie COSTA (EMCA - Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation / France / 2019)
  • One Stormy Night, Gil Alkabetz (Sweet Home Studio / Germany / 2019)
  • Sun-kissed, Ignasi Tarruella (Mabuse / Spain / 2019)
  • The 7 Kids, Marina Karpova (Soyuzmultfilm film studio / Russia / 2020)
  • The Kindergarten Show, Loic Bruyere (Folimage, Aries / France / 2019)
  • The Little Wide-Mouthed Frog, Celia Tocco (Les Films du Nord / Francuska, Belgium / 2019)


  • Crunch, Liukaidi Peng (School of Visual Arts / United States / 2019)
  • Heatwave, Fokion Xenos (National Film & Television School / United Kingdom, Greece/ 2019)
  • In the shadow, Marine Dieval (Mopa / France / 2019)
  • My Exercise, Atsushi Wada (New Deer / Japan / 2020)
  • Northern Lights, Caroline Attia (Folimage, Nadasdy Film / France, Switzerland / 2019)
  • o28, Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle, Fabien Meyran (Supinfocom Rubika / France / 2019)
  • The Coin, Siqi Song (Film Independent / China, United States / 2019)
  • The Eleventh Step, Maryam Kashkoolinia (Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults, Kanoon / Iran / 2020)
  • Vivi Wolf and the Magical Room, Isabelle Santos, E. M. Z. Camargo (Julieta Audiovisual / Brazil / 2019)


  • Daughter, Daria Kashcheeva (FAMU - Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague / Czech Republic / 2019)
  • Echo in the Clouds, Nadezhda Shibalova (Russian State University of Cinematography – VGIK / Russia / 2019)
  • Esperança, Cécile Rousset, Jeanne Paturle, Benjamin Serero (BEPPIE FILMS / France / 2019)
  • Liliana, Milanka Fabjančič (ZVVIKS / Slovenia / 2019)
  • Opinci, Anton Groves, Damian Groves (Bagan Films / Romania, France / 2019)
  • Planet Mobile, Hui Shan Lim (NTU / Singapore / 2019)
  • Sledge, Mickaël DUPRÉ (Autoproduction / France / 2019)
  • Survival HK, Louise Pau (California institute of the arts / Hong Kong, United States / 2019)
  • The Beauty, Pascal Schelbli (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, Animationsinstitut / Germany / 2019)
  • The Natural Order of Things, Mathilde Poigniez (Atelier Supérieur d’Animation/ France / 2019)
  • Ties, Dina Velikovskaya (SMPL / Germany, Russia / 2019)

World Festival of Animated Films - Animafest Zagreb 2020  will take place 28 Sep - 3 Oct 2020.

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