
Alegría by Kati Egely

Alegría by Kati Egely

There are  things to say and things to show.  Made as an official music video for the Argentinian music band Chancha vía Circuito, Hungarian animation director, Kati Egely uses  watercolor on paper to metamorphose land and sea animals to computer people and children in danger in her Alegría short.

Although we do see nature’s own hierarchy we took a view too long to see how our human nature is defined by it, and, eventually started seeing ourselves as something different and separate. The overall truth however is hardly ever the truth of one unit, let it be in nature or our society. One’s joy might lead to another’s tragic fate. A crumb on my table is what you would need to survive.

Alegría moves from air to sea to land to transform a daily routine of a woman into a non-speaking, but eloquent and finely-tuned need for connection; which may involve unexpected, largely unfamiliair but always interesting surprises.

Kati Egely graduated in 2013 from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary. Her studies focused on animation, she's also interested in  documentary filmmaking.

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