3 Animation Shorts in the 2016 European Film Awards

efa-awardsThe European Film Academy and EFA Productions presented this year's short film nominations.

At each of the 15 participating film festivals, an independent jury presented one European short film in competition with a nomination in the short film category of the European Film Awards.

3 animation films compete with 12 fiction shorts for the prize.

  • AMALIMBO by Juan Pablo Libossart / Sweden/Estonia 2016, 15 min

Amalimbo tells a story about Tipuana, a five-year-old girl, who experiences "the limbo" as she tries to pass to 'the other side' in her desperate urge to mourn the recent death of her beloved father.

It is a short story that happens in an undefined place in an also undefined near future. The main characters of the film are Tipuana (5) and her grown-up version and alter ego Older Tipuana (27).

  • EDMOND by Nina Gantz UK 2015, 10 min

The BAFTA-awarded (Best Short Animation Film)  puppet film Edmond by Nina Gantz is a film about an oddball felted character who slips through floors into the past and the deepest parts of his psyche in his pursuit of self-understanding.

  • IN THE DISTANCE by Florian Grolig Germany 2015, animation, 7 min

It's calm and peaceful above the clouds. But chaos lurks in the distance and each night, it draws closer.

Berlin-based Florian Grolig graduated from the School of Arts and Design in Kassel, realised some award-winning short films and computer games as well as commissioned animation, and co-founded the Black Pants Game Studio.

 The nominated films (here's the full list) will soon be submitted to the more than 3,000 EFA Members to elect the winner.

The European Short Film 2016 will then be presented at the European Film Awards Ceremony on Saturday, 10 December (streaming live via www.europeanfilmawards.eu), in Wroclaw, European Capital of Culture 2016.



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