Puppet Animation Scotland: Funding Opportunities

 puppet-animation-scotlandWhere ever they are on their career arcs – aspiring practitioners, young companies or established professionals - all Scottish-based puppeteers, animators and visual theatre artists can apply to the Creative Fund.

For 2016-2017 Puppet Animation Scotland will award £14,000 to Scottish puppeteers and animators for the creation of dynamic and exciting new work.

Puppet Animation Scotland is looking for initial ideas and concepts full of imagination, excitement and ambition, which would benefit from a structured period of research and development.

While not precluding any proposals, Puppet Animation Scotland is particularly interested in receiving submissions that focus primarily on visual means - rather than the spoken word – for their conception and delivery, with the needs and challenges of international audiences clearly in mind.

 Eligible are puppeteers and animators who have lived in Scotland since 1 July 2014, and have presented their work regularly during this period in a fully professional context.

 Puppet Animation Scotland is also happy to consider applications from puppeteers and animators who are in the process of creating their first fully professional production and can demonstrate in their submission – through the calibre of the practitioners they are working with, personal recommendations from leading Scottish professional artists, photographs, plans and supporting evidence – the vision, ambition and quality of work they aspire to make.

 Deadline:  Monday 18 April 2016 at 12:00.

Successful applicants will be informed by:  5.00pm,  Monday 2 May 2017. Projects may take place at any time up to 18 months after: Monday 4 July 2016


Puppet Animation Scotland manipulate 2016 - Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh (photographer - Andy Catlin)


For further information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Jen White), or call 0131 560 1298, and visit the Puppet Animation page for all guidelines and online submission.



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