
Georges Schwizgebel premieres Chemin Faisant at Locarno

 Chemin faisant (On the way) is a 5 minute short by Georges Schwizgebel.

 The film synopsis reads:Through paintings which operate as Russian dolls,  we are trained in the swirling flow of thought of a voyager staff, a solitary passerby...

The film is part of the Locarno film festival tirbute La Faute à Rousseau (The Blame to Rousseau), a multi-director tribute to the Genevan philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was born in 1712.

7 films in the collection (including Chemin Faisant) will have their world premiere at Locarno Film Festival: 4 August 2012, 16: 15 @ Cine La Sala (Locarno, Switzerland).

Georges Schwizgebel's  atest Romance won the best professional short film award at Anima, Brussells 2012.


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