CEE Animation Forum 2022: Winners

CEE Animation Forum 2022: Winners

A total of 33 projects were presented in the 4 main competitions, with the juries presenting awards to a total of 14 animated works. This year, audiences were able to follow the program in the creative space DEPO2015 in Plzeň and connect to broadcasts on social media.

An intensive two days were filled with a wide range of magnificent projects, which were searching for potential partners in live audiences and via virtual platforms. “Most of all, it was amazing to observe the student teams that presented their work to audiences with great courage. Proof of this support is that the audience award was given to a project from the Rising Stars section,” said Marta Jallageas, Managing Director of the CEE Animation Forum. It was also clearly demonstrated that the world of animation has a substantial female presence in pitching projects, with a high ratio of 36 women to 27 men.


I´ll Be There When You Wake Up d. Nina Chubinishvili, p. Willem de Kooning Academie, Netherlands

Jury: Lubica Orechovská (Pubres), Richard Lutterbeck (TrickStudioLutterbeck), Valentin Rebondy (Cinema Public Films)

WINNER: The Helpers d. Betina Bożek, p. Grzegorz Skorupski, Animoon, Poland
A quirky story of a frustrated clerk who, seeking release from his domineering father, suddenly discovers his true self and helps to put an end to the existence of the city of pressure, Waffeldorf.

Jury statement: We found the project to be very courageous and challenging in terms of telling the story by selecting different visual styles and genres. It´s fresh and new. It comes with a universal topic –how much love can surprise us at any time and literally brings so many colours into our previous “waffle” dry world. It also illustrates how much determination these costs. During the presentation we were given a very clear picture about the intention of the creative and production team.

SPECIAL MENTION: Sorya d. Denis Do, p. Sébastien Onomo, Marion Boffelli, Special Touch Studios, France

Jury statement: We like this project for its precious and authentic connection between its core topic, story, place and its director. We grew attached to the strong female character, a young girl named Sorya,  becoming an independent woman, just like her homeland Cambodia is quickly changing into an open and modern society. The plot is full of energy and is also visually strong, which immediately gets you hooked. And it is a great musical adventure!

Jury: Kristel Tõldsepp (A Film), Michelle Hoekstra (lemming film), Hisko Hulsing

WINNER: Bug City d. Jøran Wærdahl, p. Kjersti Greger, Klipp og Lim, Norway
In a world populated by humanoid insects, teenage fly Addie fights for the climate. Her first goal is to shut down the polluting Factory in the city, but against her, and the few ragtag climate activists she manages to muster, stands the powerful and climate-denying news anchor Dick Crick - Bug City’s most popular figure.

Jury statement: We were impressed by the unique style and tone of this project. It seems a very brave move to let the story take place in a dark and gloomy world, completely inhabited by insects. However, we are convinced that the combination of drama and dark humor will end up being very entertaining.

SPECIAL MENTION: Lemon and Berry d. Ilenia Cotardo, Piotr Ficner, p. Anna Mroczek, WJT / Likaon, Poland
Jury statement: The project has relatable characters, rich visuals and is well-suited for the target audience. The presentation was well-prepared and convincing.

Jury: Alexandre Siqueira (BAP – Animation Studios), Milo Cremer Eindhoven (Submarine), Bastien Martin (Camera, etc)

WINNER: Supersilly d. Veronica Martiradonna, p. Ron Dyens, Sacrebleu Productions, France
A young woman in a bunny costume undertakes an inner journey in which she will understand the original drama that causes her suffering: the pain of not knowing how to be loved.

Jury statement: Supersilly showcases a promising and daring union of story and style. The animation excites, capturing the spontaneity and an organic feel in its movement. But, more importantly, the project offers a singular voice that needs to be heard.

SPECIAL MENTION: Funfair d. Éva Darabos, p. József Fülöp, Orsolya Sipos, SALTO Films, Hungary

Jury statement: Éva Darabos has built a world that we are keen to explore further, having charmed us with its grotesque and humorous style.

Jury: Eleanor Coleman (Indie Sales), Luca Tóth, Ivan Zuber (Laïdak FIlms)

WINNER: The Spell d. Dora Pejić Bach, p. University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design – ALUO, Slovenia
WINNER: The Chicken´s Calling d. Rebecca Osterberg, p. Hochschule Wismar, Germany

Jury statement: For the first time in the history of the CEE Animation Forum, there will be 2 winners who will share the prize. Why? Because we are convinced that these very different projects both stood out and deserve the top recognition. They are both well-developed, radically different and most importantly very authentic and doable. We are so looking forward to seeing these films completed.

CEE ANIMATION WORKSHOP – 2023 scholarship award
The Girl With Occupied Eyes d. André Carrilho, p. Hemi Fortes, Blablabla Media, Portugal

Funfair d. Éva Darabos, p. József Fülöp, Orsolya Sipos, SALTO Films, Hungary TVPAINT AWARD – professional licence
M-0 d. Vivien Csigó, p. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Hungary

CARTOON FORUM – direct access 2023 award
9 Million Colors d. Bára Anna Stejskalová, p. Jakub Kostal, Bionaut, Czech Republic

ANIMARKT STOP MOTION FORUM – direct access 2023 award
Bug City d. Jøran Wærdahl, p. Kjersti Greger, Klipp og Lim, Norway
Bruno d. Danas Bereznickas, p. Inesa Ivanova, MB Danas Bereznickas, Lithuania

KIDS KINO INDUSTRY – direct access 2023 award
Billy &the Boingo Band d. & p. Shabnam Rezaei, Big Bad Boo Studios, Austria

Apart from the winners, an important part of the program was the panel discussion with representatives of national television broadcasters, during which the audience was introduced to Petr Farkaš (CT, Czech Republic), Halka Marčeková (RTVS, Slovakia), Audronė Šepetė (LRT, Lithuania), Tiivi Tuur (ERR, Estonia), Zane Valeniece (LTV, Latvia), and Kresimir Zubcic (HRT, Croatia). With a united voice, those broadcasters who were present agreed that support for local productions is a priority for them when purchasing animation projects, despite the current adverse financial situation.  CEE Animation tries to stimulate the conditions under which projects can materialize and bring those works into being.

CEE Animation Forum took place 2-4 November in Plzeň, Czech Republic. It is financially supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the International Visegrad Fund, and organised in cooperation with Eurimages. It is also co-funded by state funds and foundations and professional organizations from Croatia (Hulahop), Czech Republic (APA, Audiovisual Producers´ Association), Poland (SPPA, Polish Animation Producers Association),
Slovakia (APAF, Slovak Association of Animated Film Producers) and Slovenia (DSAF, Slovene Animated Film Association).

(Central Image: The Helpers)

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