Storytelling and Immersion by Rustam Hasanov at CEE Animation Experience

Storytelling and Immersion by Rustam Hasanov at CEE Animation Experience
Rustam Hasanov / The Last of Us 2 prologue design

In the masterclasses series organized by CEE Animation Forum , an array of professionals present the most current trends, case studies and strategies to local, national and regional communities of animation professionals, young talent and students. A special emphasis is given to the development stage.

Rustam Hasanov (DreamWorks, HBO) is the latest to talk about Creating Immersive Sense of Storytelling in Your Visuals (15 April 2021, 19:00-20:30). Being an effective visual storyteller is more important now than ever if you want to create a meaningful experience. This presentation will focus on using narrative elements from your source material to create an immersive sense of storytelling in your visuals. (Moderator: David Toušek / ANOMALIA, Czech Republic).

Rustam Hasanov is an interdisciplinary artist working in Los Angeles. As a lead artist and art-director Rustam’s design practice extends to many productions and collaborative projects that cross industry lines. Helping create award winning work for such clients as HBO, Disney, Dreamworks, Guillermo Del Toro, and Jay Z.

This presentation will focus on using narrative elements from your source material to create an immersive sense of storytelling in your visuals. I will go into clarifying the context for where and how to use these elements based on the context of your chosen media. I will be sharing my observations through several examples from known franchises as well as my own personal experience of making design decisions that connect with an audience - Rustam Hasanov

Our aim is to bring an interesting programme to a large public with a wide spectrum of specific topics. All activities of our CEE Animation platform lead to increasing filmmakers´ skills and improving the quality of animated projects in the CEE region. CEE Animation Experience will not be an exception - Michal Podhradský, activity coordinator.

Watch Live the Rustam Hasanov Lecture (via Zoom, free access, 15 April 2021, 19:00 CET)

 Other Upcoming lectures:

  • Keynote: Craft of Animated Series to Screens All Over the World May 2021 (TBC)
    Shelley Hoffman will share her perspectives on the current market’s demands: from character-driven stories to meeting the needs of co- productions to creating IP’s with the power to cross platform.
    Speaker: Shelley Hoffman (Disney, 9 Story, Canada) / Moderator: David Toušek (ANOMALIA, Czech Republic)
  • Masterclasses: Primanima Industry Day May 21 (TBC)
    Masterclass 1 - 3: TBC
    Masterclass 3: Hide, short film Directed by Daniel Benjamin Gray, produced by CUB Animation, La Cellule Productions, ONF – Office National du Film du Canada
    Speakers: Daniel Grey, Bella Szederkényi (Hungary)

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