Training /Residencies

2D Animation Internship at Playables, Zürich

Playables is a production company for interactive and audiovisual media, founded by Mario von Rickenbach and Michael Frei. The award-winning projects include Plug & Play,  Krautscape, Dreii and Finger Simulator.

The company is offering a paid internship as 2D Animator to join its team for six months.

Working in Playable studio in Zürich, the person responsible will be helping out in the creation of digitally drawn animation for our upcoming project, within a small team led by Michael Frei and Mario von Rickenbach.

Starting date from the beginning of October or on agreement. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following:

  •  CV
  • A link to personal work
  • A few lines about why you want to work with Playables

Deadline for applications:  Monday 19 September 2016.




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