
A Little Lovin' by Marie Paccou

A Little Lovin' by Marie Paccou

Ezra Pound (Letters to Joyce), Oscar Wilde (The Portrait of Dorian Gray) and Charles Baudelaire (Les Fleurs du mal) are here used as the background to get a flipbook music video clip directed by French animation artist Marie Paccou. Students from the EAM Leandre Cristofol (course professor: Carlos Porta) animate to the music of Paul Shephard A Little Lovin' .

Marie Paccou (watch her One Day here) has a penchant for simple yet stylish and engaging animation. Her students here create forms that need to transcend the harsh realities of the novels they occupy. Transformation is never a rush affair, and children become winged angels at a leisurely (but interesting) pace. It is evident that walking, flying and animating is the best way to be together.

A Litlle Lovin' was first made for ANIMAC 2018 festival; it has then traveled to Cinanima (Portugal), Hiroshima Animation Festival and many international animation festivals.

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