
Airmail (Messages Dans L' Air) by Isabelle Favez

Airmail (Messages Dans L' Air) by Isabelle Favez

A girl falls in love with a boxer she can never hope to meet, but the letter-birds will change her destiny forever. Will the messages in the air make her dreams come true?

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Film Review (Vassilis Kroustallis)

It looks as paper-thin and charming and light as its soundtrack. Yet, Airmail by Isabelle Favez, with its chain of communication via animals, pipes and birds, looks like a well-oiled clock ready to fire on time - or better, like the hourglass figure of its female character, now patiently waiting for events to take their toll. Indirect, non-physical interaction is something the whole planet has now been used to in pandemic times; Favez makes it streamlined, funnily complicated, and attractive, 

By Isabelle Favez Switzerland / 2014 / 6’00 / No dialogues  | Production : Nadasdy Film Sarl, Folimage, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
Distribution: Autour de Minuit

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