
Bet She'an: A human city in ruins

Bet She'an: A human city in ruins

In the city of Bet She'an, where mankind is progressively morphing into crows, a sculptor decides to leave a trace of this dwindling humanity.


Panoramic shots and aggressive beak-people will never get tired of wandering through the ruins and hindering a lone, bearded man from finishing his enormous statue.

Directed by Bet She'an team and participating the France-based, Bet She'an is a brilliantly colored and animated parable of the end of human civilization, and the need to preserve Homo Erectus, even in its solely artistic form.


Directed by : Calvet David - -
Technical Director - Render - Lighting - Preproduction: Charbonel Jérémy
Environment and Character Modelling - Hair and Cloth Simulation - Sound: Letoile Bastien -
Director - Animation - Environement Design: Raynaut Guillaume - -
Rigging - Skinning - Character Modelling - Compositing: Soler Julien -
Art Director - Environement Design and Modelling -Character Design: Wang Gongjin Skies and smokes - Modelsheet and Concept



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