
Future Thoughts by Loek Vugs

Future Thoughts by Loek Vugs

 Future Thoughts is an experimental, short film by Loek Vugs showing a collection of ideas about everyday life and new technologies in the near future.

Using a pertinent VR intro, Loek Vugs gives a ride into what might be our own future (scanned children delivered, artificially planted and destroyed trees) makes the whole experience a more calm journey than the Jurassic Park-type real-life equivalents.

Using his composed shots as either a cubic or a flat canvas, Future Thoughts moves to high-angle shots or pans to instill the innovative future experience. As counter-intuitive as it may look like, the film transfers a calm experience of being there in the future (helped to the max by the sound design of Rik Kooyman).  It is neither optimistic (destruction follows as well) nor noirish (after all, trees are still green in the great big future). It is a meditative, elegant exercise on what might not be that fearful and not too spectacular either.

Loek Vugs [visit his own personal page]  is a designer and animator from the Netherlands, who likes to create minimalistic and playful animations and illustrations. Future Thoughts is his graduation film (M.A.) at AKV St. Joost.

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