Matilda and the Spare Head by Ignas Meilunas

The multiply awarded comedy animation short, 'Matilda and the Spare Head' by Lithuanian Ignas Meilunas tackles a very present children's issue -both in the past and the present, namely the parent's will to get their children more information than experience.
This is a story about a girl who wants to be the smartest person in the world. When all the things she’s learned can no longer fit in one head, her mother buys her a backup one. Two heads are better than one but Matilda soon becomes confused which head should she wear at what time and loses the second head shortly after. It is uncertain what would happen if not for a ball that accidentally flows in through her window. It changes Matilda forever - Film Synopsis
Watch Matilda and the Spare Head
Film Review (Vassilis Kroustallis)
'Matilda and the Spare Head' uses tellingly its familiar subject-matter to transfer it in the world of stop-motion, where heads and balls are interchangeable; a world where plasticity is celebrated as a a puppet movement, but not endorsed as a character attitude. The Almodovarian aesthetics in its color palette provide an extravagantly vibrant visual environment, which counteracts with the very palpable pressure Matilda feels (and has to endure). The familiar, clay world of Matilda's environment is the one to win, in a delightfully spelled-out school and family farce - and a moral lesson for polar bears, life and choosing the right head.
Original title - Matilda ir atsarginė galva (Matilda and the spare head)
Director - Ignas Meilūnas | Animation - Anni OJA, Arnau Godia MONTESINOS, Ignas MEILŪNAS |
Scenario, Script - Dangiras BUGAS, Ignas MEILŪNAS | Set - Antanas DUBRA | Castings - (VO) Matilda – Rusnė SAVICKAITĖ, Mother – Karolina LECIŪTĖ, Teacher - Dovilė ŠARUTYTĖ, Headmaster – Ignas MEILŪNAS, Announcer – Rytis SALADŽIUS | Image - Simonas GLINSKIS | Special effects - Šarūnas KUCKAILIS, Mindaugas SKERYS, Justinas ČIPKUS, Kipras DOMINAS, Ignas MEILUNAS, Aurelijus ČIUPAS, Benedikta RUKAITĖ, Vaidotas KRIAUČIŪNAS, Lukas ZAPARECKAS, Egidijus URBONAS Film editor - Ignas MEILŪNAS | Rendering - Ignas MEILŪNAS | Sound engineer - Julius GRIGELIONIS | Sound editor - Julius GRIGELIONIS | Mix - Julius GRIGELIONIS | Soundtrack - Rytis KORENIUKAS
Year - 2020 | © Licensed by Miyu Distribution