
Ostrich Politic by Mohammad HouHou

Ostrich Politic by Mohammad HouHou

Ostrich Politic is a graduation short film from Gobelins by the Lebanese filmmaker and recent Gobelins graduate Mohammad Houhou.

Ostriches carry on their daily activities burying their heads, believing it’s an instinctive behavior. However, one day a research by phylogeneticist Dr. Kays proves otherwise. With a humoristic and absurd delivery, he addresses several societal and political issues such as freedom of conscience, false knowledge and scientific truth, using the metaphor of the Ostrich. In an era of information overload, where fake news is invading social platforms, HouHou reminds us that our worlds remain fragile…

The film is eligible for the Oscar 2020 Academy Award race (Short Animation)

Designing The Ostrich Politic involved a wide range of advertisements, brand logos, barber labels, beer bottles, fast food menus, governmental cooperations identity and much more to create a unified feel of the universe the ostriches are in. Focus was also on maintaining a modern geometric design. 

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In the Making of, Mr. Ostrich discusses the process of creating the short animated film "The Ostrich Politic"! In this first episode he explains the inspiration for the story.

Film Review: Vassilis Kroustallis

Using direct political references, and mapping the trajectory from Barak Obama to Donald Trump,  Ostrich Politic concocts a complete poem (read it here in its entirety), to first give us hope about scientific future -only to be dispersed at the sight of narrow-minded politicians. Building up and eliminating false hopes is the dark charm of the film, which uses cinematography and lighting to evoke both Modern Times, Busby Berkeley  choreographies and Dr. Strangelove war room atmosphere in one breath.

Even though its second act would need a better focus here, the 3D noir Ostrich Politics is sure to pass its message through; freedom entails accountability, but putting your head in the sand is no way out of this.

Director : Mohamad HOUHOU
Soundtrack : Amandine ROBILLARD, Anna CORDONNIER

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