
Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood by Daniel Stankler

Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood by Daniel Stankler

Once there was a taxidermist whose collection was his life - and what his life needed most, he decided, was a lady. But the Lady in question had other ideas. A campy Gothic tale about how we objectify each other in the post-Tinder world of online dating.

Daniel Stankler is an animator and illustrator, currently studying at the Royal College of Art, London. Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood Is his graduation film.

An expressionistic, post-Tinder dating story which makes its sexual advance and revenge topic central to the construction of its sets and characters. High and elongated buildings, pointed noses that can tell all kinds of lies, and blue nights that easily deceive are the basic elements with which Daniel Stankler constructs his engaging story.  Should You Meet A Lady In A Darkened Wood makes for a fittingly chilling tale of non being able to love.

Direction & Animation - Daniel Stankler
Music & Sound Design - Zing Audio
Voiceover - Seb Carrington & Alice Bounsall

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