
Anibar Animation Festival Announces Isolation Theme

Anibar Animation Festival Announces Isolation Theme

Anibar Animation Festival consistently frames its editions with an overall theme. The 2020 theme has Humans, and the 2021 corresponding theme talks of isolation.

This pandemic-inspired theme is called "a beautiful paradox" for isolation can both be a source of creativity and the instigating force for darkness, prejudice and intolerance -something that the festival stands against. Isolation here means celebration of our imagination and dreams.

The full festival statement:

is not Thanks to the pandemic, the world has found out what happens when it’s impossible to travel. Kosovars already knew. We are experts in isolation due to our movement restrictions. Which means that we are also great dreamers. We are ready to break free, this year at Anibar Animation Festival. That’s why, the 12th edition of the Anibar Animation Festival will be dedicated to isolation. And that is a beautiful paradox.

Isolation can be good. Each of us knows those moments when we need to be alone, to find peace with ourselves and the world. And during the pandemic, quarantine can be necessary. Isolation can also mean darkness. It closes our mind, and can morph into ugly things like xenophobia, segregation and intolerance. The 12th edition of the festival will salute both the real solitude and claustrophobia we experience with isolation. The festival will also celebrate our dreams. Our imagination.

Isolation can also mean darkness. Now that strangers are more than ever seen as a threat, isolation can morph into xenophobia, segregation and intolerance. Our isolation has been a wake-up call to get serious about the issue we are facing inside the walls of our homes, as well as the borders of our country. To realize how vulnerable we are. And how vulnerable our planet is.

This is the kind of isolation Anibar will not accept. Our festival is about mingling – of images, cultures, languages and ideas. It’s about freedom. The freedom to live, love and let each other be. Everything about Anibar is the opposite of isolation: we bring people together, we screen our films in the open air, we show art without boundaries. And we like to seduce and/or provoke those people who choose to isolate themselves inside one rigid idea, one impatient faith, on exclusionary ideology.

Here's the Anibar festival 2021 trailer by David Stumpf, and Michaela Mihalyi. 

Anibar Animation Festival takes place 23 to 30 July 2021

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