Czech Animation Short on Motherhood 'You Are My Light' World Premieres at CINANIMA 2024
(press release)
What transformation does a woman undergo after giving birth? This story is told in the short animated film 'You Are My Light' by director Hana Stehlíková, which has its world premiere at the Portuguese festival CINANIMA (13 November, International Competition / Short Films). The main protagonist is thrown into the unknown world of motherhood, where she succumbs to crushing stereotypes, oppressive isolation, and endless fatigue. Along with the newborn, postpartum depression enters her life. Will she manage to find the light that shows the way out?
The international and well-respected CINANIMA is an Oscar-qualifying festival; the winner of the main prize qualifies for the Academy Award pre-selection.
For director Hana Stehlíková, this marks a return to filmmaking after seven years. Her previous film 'Bordelines' received awards at several international festivals, including Taiwan Student Film Festival, Watersprite, and Golden Kuker. Her film 'Five easy steps' how to find a soulmate won first prize on FamuFest. After interrupting her studies at FAMU and going on maternity leave, she managed to complete the new film and successfully graduate, all while caring for two small children.
The film deviates from the common portrayal of motherhood in animation, which often resorts to exaggeration and cliché-ridden humor.
My goal was to create a film that speaks convincingly about postpartum depression and offers an honest testimony about what it's really like- Hana Stehlíková
Czech audiences will have the opportunity to see You Are My Light during its Czech premiere in 2025. CINANIMA Festival runs from 8 to 17 November 2024.