Fest Anča 2014: Call for entries

The 7th edition of Fest Anča will take place from 18 until 22 June 2014 in Žilina, Slovakia.

"Fest Anca" is an international animated film festival based in Žilina, Slovakia. Festivals main spot is situated in a train station which was turned into modern culture center.

Its purpose is to show contemporary, progressive animated films to commemorate the best of the genre's history. The long-term vision is to approximate well-known international festivals, filling an empty space in this field of art in Slovakia.

An international competition for best animated film, best student film, best animated music video, best film for kids and best slovak film - to be selected by an expert panel - is a part of the festival.

Accompanying events include workshops, exhibitions and chats with filmmakers and producers. The summertime festival atmosphere is supported by a camping city, nighttime screenings and live concerts.

The festival competitive program includes:

a) International competition of short animated films-  Anča Award;
b) International competition of student short animated films - Anča Student Award;
c) International competition of animated music videos - Anča Music Video Award;
d) International competition of animated films for children - Anča Kids Award;
e) Slovak competition of animated films - Anča Slovak Award.

The festival non-competitive program includes focuses, workshops, retrospectives, tributes, theme events, exhibitions and discussions. The festival accepts to its competitive program only animated films under 30 minutes completed after 1st January 2012.

Moreover, only films with a majority of Slovak producers are accepted to  theSlovak competition of animated films - Anča Slovak Awards.

 The deadline is 10 March 2014 and there is no entry fee. If you are interested, read the regulations of the festival and apply online.



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