Waiting for Kentridge Exhibition (VIDEO)

Waiting for Kentridge Exhibition (VIDEO)

With a large attendance of guests, the Waiting for Kentridge exhibition was a real treat last Friday in the city of Udine. Thus began the cultural activities of Piccolo Festival dell'Animazione (PFA) that will take place from November 20th to 27th in several venues around the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region. 

Apart from the presence of the artist William Kentridge and the director of the PFA, Paola Bristot, among the guests at the event we could see the director of the Anima Zagreb festival, the curator Andriana Ruzic or the musician Massimo de Mattia among others.

Watch the Waiting for Kentridge video:

Moroso was the perfect space for an exhibition that celebrated the artist's animated work. A renovated space bigger enough to show till next December 20th the exhibition. With the proper health security protocols, the Udinese venue easily reached its maximum capacity. Everyone at some point had the opportunity to see William Kentridge and the lucky ones were able to talk to him and take a picture. A committed and humble artist always open to exchange some words with their fans.

Once again the organizers of the PFA showed us their power of convocation and organization by bringing a high-level exhibition of an essential character on the world art scene. 

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