Animation Journalism StopTrik Workshop, 4-7/10/18

Animation Journalism Workshop: The REDECAP-T Factor
Vassilis Kroustallis, Head Editor, Zippy Frames
What it takes to contribute to a festival newspaper? How to approach independent animation, what are the tools of the trade, and how you can express adequately (and timely) what you just saw? Vassilis Kroustallis is the Head Editor of Zippy Frames (the online portal for European and Independent Animation), and undertakes to guide StopTrik Festival workshop participants through all these questions. There is one goal in mind: find your goal.
Animation journalism deserves more than social media likes and comments, anecdotal stories or carefully edited business press releases. The REDECAP-T factor is here to help -in credits order, REsearch, DEscribe, Contextualize, Analyze, Present –in Time. This will be our tool to invest in popular forms of journalism (reporting, reviewing, interviews, feature writing), as applied to the world of independent animation - both in a lecture format and as personal guidance to individual assignments.
No previous familiarity with animation is necessary (but, of course, it’s welcome). StopTrik workshop participants are expected to bring in their attendance, attention, energy and enthusiasm, time management skills and, above all, their desire to depict in writing what is unfolding in front of their eyes and ears -an animation festival.
Schedule (5 hours daily):
4/10 (Day 1): Researching Your Way / Introductory Meeting – Taking Home the Main Points – Individual Assignments Group Meeting
5/10 (Day 2): First Draft / Rehearsing Your Text(s) Individual Consulting - Group Meeting
6/10 (Day 3): Second and Final Draft / Organizing, and Fine-Tuning Your Assignments Individual Consulting - Group Meeting
7/10 (Day 4): Get Yourselves Published / Design and Printing Group Meeting - Collaboration with festival team
Sessions start from 11:00am, and continue up to 4pm. They include group meetings, individual consulting, and the implementation of individual assignments [reviews, interviews, features etc.] by the participants themselves. Final drafts to be ready for publishing by the end of Day 3. All changes will be promptly communicated to participants.
- Official Workshop Page
- To register: send an email to:
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About the Workshop Leader
Vassilis Kroustallis is a Greek film and animation professional and scholar. He has studied Classics, Philosophy (Greece /UK) and film journalism (Glasgow University). Since 2011, he has been the Head Editor of Zippy Frames ( international animation portal; ZF is one of the few resources promoting exclusively European and independent animation worldwide, with readership from more than 129 countries overall.
He has been invited to major animation festivals, served as a member jury (Animafest Zagreb, Animanima Serbia, Fest Anča Slovakia, Anibar Kosovo), and curated Greek and international animation programmes. He was (January 2017- June 208) the first Greek Ambassador at the European Animation Awards, and has been artistic director (2011-17) of Be there! Corfu Animation Festival. In 2016, he received the Norman McLaren – Evelyn Lambart Award (Society for Animation Studies) for Best Scholarly Article in Animation, for his Waltz with Bashir article (published in Jewish Film and New Media).
He has published pieces on film and animation in academic articles and book volumes, and is currently a PhD Candidate (Ionian University, Greece) researching contemporary European feature animation. He is voting member of the Annie Awards (organized by ASIFA-Hollywood); in 2016, he started his own production company, Scheriaa Productions; the short film The Sea Tranced Isle (dir. Effie Pappa) is currently under production.
Event Dates
- From 04/10/2018 to 07/10/2018