Non-Fiction Animation: Narrative Imagination and the Translation of Reality Symposium, 19-20/4/18
Non-Fiction Animation: Narrative Imagination and the Translation of Reality Symposium opens Call for Papers.
From The Sinking of the Lusitania (McCay, 1918) to Tower (Maitland, 2016), non-fiction animation continues to be instrumental to the mediation of reality in cinema and television. Animation offers a range of structural and narrative possibilities grounded in the flexibility of technique and stylistic choice that is the legacy of this creative form’s evolution. Today the convergence of animation and documentary is receiving much attention in academia, as several recent publications testify; for example, Animated Documentary (Roe, 2013), and Animating Film Theory (Beckman, ed. 2014).
This symposium invites proposals for papers investigating the way we work animation into non-fiction narratives; the way animation supports the translation of the real world into moving images, and the power of animation in evoking, challenging, questioning our society in the documentary form.
Suggested topics:
Possible topics include:
• Animation on the written page
• Narrative and layers of signification
• Narrative impossibilities translated through animation
• Animation’s function in narrating reality
• Animation and the news
• Animation and the biopic
• Animation and the sciences
• Little known historical precedents of value
• International examples of animation screenplays
• Animation and information industries
Important dates:
Abstract deadline: March 20th, 2018
Notification of acceptance within one week.
Please send a 20-minute paper abstract (350 words) and a 100-word bio to
About the Symposium:
The 'Non-Fiction Animation: Narrative Imagination and the Translation of Reality' Symposium is organised by the University of York – The Interdisciplinary Centre for Narrative Studies. It takes place in the University of York - YORK, UK on Thursday 19th - Friday 20th April 2018.
Event Dates
- From 19/04/2018 to 20/04/2018