Obon, Agouro, 4 States of Matter Win 2018 Cinanima Awards

Obon, Agouro, 4 States of Matter Win 2018 Cinanima Awards

The Jury of the 2018 Portuguese fesitval (Pedro Serrazina, Riho Unt and Vera Neubauer), presented the big award of the International Competition to the German short film Obon,

The film is an animated documentary by Andre Hörmann and Anna Bergmann (SAMO), which tells the story of Akiko Takakura, one of the survivors of the atomic bomb launched in Hiroshima.

The António Gaio Award (National Competition) distinguished two films for Best Portuguese Short:  Agouro by David Doutel and Vasco Sá  (also a  jury Special Mention in the International Competition).

A harsh winter freezes the surface of a river near the house where two cousins live. Thaddeus, the shepherd of an ox who brings him sustenance, and Emídio, incapable and dependent. Wrapped in the icy wind that rises that day, the roughness of the relationship between the two grows, reaching the limit. On the hard surface of the river, Thaddeus is challenged to choose to save the ox, or the cousin who hinders it.

and  also the experimental animation 4 Estados da Matéria/ 4 States of Matter, the debut film of Miguel Pires de Matos.

Read the Interview Miguel Pires de Matos gave to Eliane Gordeeff for Zippy Frames

Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels won two awards (Best film up to 50 minutes and Audience Award) for This Magnificent Cake!, while Anca Damian (of Crulic and Magic Mountain) won the Jury Special Award with The Call.

The Hungarian Orsolya Láng won Best Studen Film with Off Season.

The Full list of Cinanima 2018 Winners:

Grand Prize CINANIMA 2018 - City of Espinho Award: Obon - Andre Hörmann, SAMO (Anna Bergmann) (Germany)
Jury´s Special Award: The Call - Anca Damian (Romania)
Alves Costa Award - Best Short Film: Up to 5 Minutes: Le Jardin Perdu - Natalia Chernysheva (France)
Best Short Film: More Than 5 and Up to 24 Minutes: Le Jour Extraordinaire - Joanna Lurie (France)

Special Mentions: Augur - David Doutel, Vasco Sá (Portugal), Egg - Martina Scarpelli (France), Pantha Rei - Wouter Bongaerts - (Belgium)

Best Film: More Than 24 Up to 50 Minutes: Ce Magnifique Gâteau! - Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef (Belgium)
Feature Film: Special Mention: Tropical Virus - Santiago Caicedo (Colombia)
Gaston Roch Award: Best Student Film: Off Season - Orsolya Láng (Hungary)

Special Mentions:Music & Clowns - Alex Widdowson (United Kingdom), Tango of Longing - Marta Szymanska (Poland)

Audience Award: Ce Magnifique Gâteau! - Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef (Belgium)

Young Portuguese Director Award (under 18 years old): Harmos - Coletivo de crianças e jovens de Abrantes sob orientação de Ícaro Pintor e Tânia Duarte (Portugal)
Special Mention: Right to Say No - Inês Delicioso (United Kingdom)
Young Portuguese Director Award (over 18 years old): The Voyager - João Gonzalez (Portugal)
Special Mentions: Haunting Shadows - Alunos do 7º Ano do Agrupamento de Escolas Lousada Este - Caíde de Rei (Portugal)
Nuno and the Mermaid - Crianças das Oficinas da ANILUPA da Associação de Ludotecas do Porto, alunos da turma 4A da EB do Viso (Portugal)

António Gaio Award (ex aequo): 4 States of Matter - Miguel Pires de Matos (Portugal) & Augur - David Doutel, Vasco Sá (Portugal)

The 42nd edition of Cinanima festival took place 12-18 November 2018 in Espinho, Portugal

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