
Anibiz 2015: The Power of Animation Conference, 1/10

 Anibiz 2015 will take place October 1, in Viborg, Denmark. It.has as its rationale the motto that animation is not just for cartoons and entertainment, but a powerful tool for communication and marketing and education.

  It is hosted by Arsenalet, a cluster of 30 companies specializing in animation and visualization.



The speakers' line-up for this year's one-day conference includes Natasha Friis Saxberg,  Founder of Gignal, Digital entrepreneur and author of Homo Digitalis, Kasper Kruse, Happy & Co,  Animation Manager, Peter Smith, Tumblehead Animation, Partner at Tumblehead, Claus Handberg,  LEGO Consumer Marketing Agency, Senior Creative Manager, and Claus Toksvig Kjaer, Nørlum, Partner & Producer.


LEGO's animation strategy keynote and Nørlum's presentation (one of the companies behind Tomm Moore's Song of the Sea) are some of the event's highlights.


The full program:

09.00 - 09.30:Breakfast
09.30 - 10.00 Welcome to ANIBIZ 2015
10.00 - 10.45 Keynote 1: The importance of visual communication (Natasha Friis Saxberg)
10.45 - 11.30 Tour de Arsenalet
11.30 - 12:00 Keynote 2: Fucking gyllevogn! : the success of the police & agriculture campaign (Kaspar Kruse)  

12:00-  13:00 Lunch Arsenalet Coffee lounge
13.00 - 13.45 How to: Behind the animation process  (Jakob Stegelman)
13.45 - 14.30 Keynote 3: Trip: The Virgin Atlantic Safety Film (Mike Moloney)
14.30 - 15:15 LEGO ́s animation strategy (Claus Handberg)
15.15 -  15.45 On the red carpet with Nørlum (Claus Toksvig Kjaer)
15.45 -  Jakob Stegelmann will close of the day with a glass of bubbles, while instegating the following networking possibilities.







To book tickets for the event contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - limited number of places.



Anibiz 2015 is part of Viborg Animation Festival.





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