ASIFA Austria Award Competition 2016

The competition has been established by ASIFA-Austria since 2011, and it embraces all forms of animation: artistic, commissioned, experimental and hybrid. For the 2016 competition, ASIFA Austria creates the One Day Animation Festival in cooperation with the FILMCASINO and the Academy of Fine Arts (Studio for artistic animated film)

The competition and presentation of the selected works will take place during the 12th One Day Animation Festival (17 November 2016).

Preliminary Selection Committee: Adnan Popovic, Sabine Groschup, Thomas Renoldner.



The Jury awards:

  • Grand Prize: ASIFA Austria Award / Best Austrian Animation 2016 (cash prize of 2,000 Euros)
  • Award for best narrative work
  • Award for the best experimental work
  • Award for the best analog and / or hybrid technology
  • Award for the best digital technology
  • Award for Best Sound / Sound / Music
  • Award for the best music video

In addition, audience awards will be determined. The prize jury will be announced after the submission deadline.

Find the competition regulations (in German) and the registration form here.

Deadline to submit: 1 October 14 October 2016




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