
Rosto's Mind My Gap Crowdfunding Campaign

Rosto's Mind My Gap Crowdfunding Campaign

Mind My Gap is a multimedia project by artist-director-musician Rosto, several times awarded for his work at Cannes, Annecy, Amsterdam, Clermont-Ferrand, Ottawa, Hiroshima.

It all started with a bunch of Rock’n’Roll songs which inspired an online graphic novel, which in turned spawned a series of short films, and then a collection of new songs. Rosto worked on this graphic novel from 1999 to 2014. He had always had in mind the project of adapting Mind My Gap into a physical object: a comic book or graphic novel containing the songs that inspired his whole visual universe.

Just before Rosto’s passing in March 2019, he had completed the mock-up of the 210 pages of the graphic novel Mind My Gap and the recording and mixing of the thirty tracks from the double album Songs From My Gap, of his group Thee Wreckers.

The graphic novel Mind My Gap and the two CDs of Songs From My Gap, as Rosto had imagined them, are now ready to be published.

Check out the crowdfunding campaign link to view more details and contribute 

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